A few weeks ago, the runtimes of all the episodes of Game of Thrones season 7 went up online and it was revealed that the shortened seven episode season would be more like eight episodes, given all the extra time crammed into the episodes. The season is supposed to culminate in a pair of 70/80 minute episodes, and it seems that precedent might carry on all throughout season 8 as well.几周之前,《权力的游戏》第七季所有剧集的片长都在网上曝光,据透露,考虑到所有额外的片段都被压缩到剧集中,被缩短成七集的剧情几乎相当于八集的内容。这一季的最后两集应该会有70~80分钟的片长,而且似乎第8季的所有剧集都将延续这一先例(也就是每一集可能都会长达80分钟)。
The news comes from a Game of Thrones fan convention, where sound designer Paula Fairfield indicated that many episodes of Game of Thrones season 8 could be closer to this 80 minute range, essentially making each episode a mini-movie. This would make Game of Thrones episodes closer in length to what we see from UK shows like Sherlock or Black Mirror, albeit with a much more enormous budget.这一消息出自《权力的游戏》的一场粉丝见面会,音效师宝拉·菲尔费尔德在会上表明,《权力的游戏》第八季的许多剧集可能都会接近80分钟,基本上每一集都做成了一部迷你电影。虽然需要更高额的预算,但这将使《权力的游戏》的剧集更接近英剧《神探夏洛克》和《黑镜》的片长。
Given that HBO was willing to shell out for ten or more seasons of Game of Thrones before the show runner decided to end things at season 8, it stands to reason that for a blockbuster final season, they’re willing to give them all the room they need to make the finale one of the most epic television events in history.鉴于剧集制作人做出在第八季完结的决定之前,HBO电视网就愿意购买十季或更多季《权力的游戏》的版权,显然这部剧要制作一部大片式的最终季,HBO电视网会愿意为其提供所需要的一切来使这部剧的完结篇成为史上最具代表性的电视节目之一。
It will likely be a good long while before the episode lengths of season 8 are confirmed, but the overall sense of things is that Game of Thrones will be able to format its final seasons however it wants, and if they want to make seven or eight mini-movies in a row, so be it.虽然有可能需要很长时间才会证实第八季剧集的片长,但整件事的总体感受就是不论他们想怎样制作这部剧,《权力的游戏》都将迎来最终季。如果他们想连续制作七到八部迷你电影,这样也好。