英语自学网 发表于 2017-7-5 23:11:07


        As fans eagerly await Taylor Swift's next album, theories about her future releases have started to appear online. One eagle-eyed fan is convinced that Swift has been dropping hints about new music for some time now.粉丝还在热切期盼泰勒的新专辑发布,网上已经出现了相关谣言。某位观察力超强的粉丝确信泰勒正时不时地透漏有关新专辑的信息。
        In fact, the receipts are pretty convincing. But, it's important to stress that fan theories are pure speculation, and the content of Swift's next album will likely be kept under wraps until she surprises us all with it herself.这样的说法确实有可信度,但是,粉丝的说辞只是出于纯粹的猜测。泰勒的新专辑到底是什么主题还不得而知,一切都要等到泰勒自己为大家揭晓。
        The so-called "evidence" supposedly suggests that Swift's next record is all about time. The receipts include a clock, which is allegedly a set prop from a new video by the "Mean" singer, and a message she wrote to the band Haim, regarding their latest single.据称,所谓的“证据”透漏出泰勒的新专辑主题与时间有关。其中有一块表,据说是泰勒新的音乐录影带中固定使用的物品。在泰勒给Haim乐队的最新单曲中也提到过些许关于时间的信息。
        As Swift has made fans wait for her new album, instead of sticking to her usual two year release schedule, it's certainly possible that time itself has become an important inspiration for the singer.泰勒坚持每两年发布一打新歌,粉丝为次不得不为之等待,所以时间本身成为泰勒的重要灵感这一想法也不无可能。
        The jury is still out on whether or not any of this "evidence" is for real, but as Swift loves hiding secret messages in the liner notes of her albums, it's definitely not out of the question.此类“证据”的真实性还有待考究,但是泰勒如此热衷于在专辑封面上暗藏玄机,主题为时间的可能性断然不能全盘否决。
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查看完整版本: 霉霉又要出新专辑!这次的主题是“时间”