英语自学网 发表于 2017-6-30 21:33:25


        A 17-year-old girl who died after a botched bungee jump from a bridge in Spain was killed in part because of her instructor’s “poor English”, a court has ruled.法院已做出判决,十七岁女孩在西班牙大桥蹦极失败致死一案归咎于蹦极指导“蹩脚的英语”。
        Dutch national Vera Mol died in August 2015 when she went bungee jumping with a group of teenagers outside Cabezón de la Sal, in Spain’s northern region of Cantabria.2015年8月,荷兰女孩Vera Mol和几个小伙伴一同来到西班牙坎塔布里亚北部一个名叫Cabezón de la Sal的小镇,想要体验蹦极运动最后却葬身于此。
        The teenager died when she jumped from a road bridge before her rope had been secured to anything, after her instructor said “no jump”, which she may have heard as “now jump”.在蹦极绳索还没有准备就绪的时候,蹦极指导对Vera Mol说“no jump”,她却听成了“now jump”,于是她从那座公路桥上纵身跳下死于非命。
        The instructor has appeared before a court in Cantabria accused of causing the teenager’s death. The director of the company that organised the bungee jump, FlowTrack, will now face prosecution for homicide through negligence, The Telegraph reported.据英国《电讯报》报道,该蹦极指导因涉嫌导致女孩坠亡而在坎塔布里亚被告上法庭。该公司安排蹦极的经理FlowTrack将面临过失杀人罪的起诉。
        “The use of the poor English ‘no jump’ could perfectly well be understood as an explicit order to jump by the victim,” the judgement read. 判决书上说,“用‘no jump’这样的蹩脚英语会很容易让受害者(Vera Mol)误当成下跳的清晰指令。”
        Vera’s death could have been avoided had the instructor used the phrase “don’t jump”, the court heard, which is reportedly the correct terminology, according to the Daily Mail. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,法庭审理指出如果指导说的是正确的术语“don’t jump”,可能Vera的惨剧就可以避免。
        The judges on the case added that the instructor should also have checked the teenager’s ID that she was over the age of 18.审理此案的法官们补充到,该指导应该事先检查受害者的身份证件以确保她已满18岁。
        It was also alleged that bungee jumping from the road bridge is banned under Spanish regulation.据称,根据西班牙法规公路桥蹦极运动现已被禁止。
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查看完整版本: 论口音的危害:因为听错指令,蹦极身亡