In the wake of President Trump's decision to remove America from the Paris Climate agreement, you'd be forgiven for feeling a little negative about the future of the planet. 因特朗普总统做出美国退出《巴黎气候协定》的决定,由此你对地球的未来产生了消极的思想是可以理解的。
With reports of huge cracks appearing in the Antarctic ice, fears that preventing the two degree heating of the planet might be a pipe dream, and the world's food supplies at risk - everything looks and sounds grim.继南极冰盖出现巨大裂痕的报道后,防止地球上升两摄氏度的理想可能成为空谈,地球上的食物供给也岌岌可危——这一切都看起来希望渺茫、灰暗无光。
Fortunately though, there are some good news stories on the horizon; with many of them coming from China.幸运的是现在好消息也纷至沓来,大多数都来自中国。
The country has been leading the way when it comes to 'green living' in recent years, with the government announcing it had completed construction of the world's largest floating solar farm.近年来,中国在“绿色生活”方面一直努力着,中国政府近期宣布了已建成世界最大的浮动太阳能农场的消息。
Now, in an attempt to curb the production of toxic gasses, the country is continuing to pave the way (so to speak) with the construction of one of the world's first 'forest cities'.如今为防治有害气体,中国可以说又要继续攻坚克难,准备参与世界首批“森林城市”建设,在中国建设一座“森林城市”。
Designed by Stefano Boeri, who you might remember also designed two vertical skyscraper 'forests', the city is currently under construction in Liuzhou, Guangxi Province.“森林城市”目前已经开始在广西省柳州市开始建设中,设计师为斯丹法诺•博埃里,你可能还记得他曾设计过两座“垂直森林”大厦。
Once completed, the new city will reportedly host 30,000 people and - thanks to the abundance of trees and plants - will absorb almost 10,000 tons of CO2, 57 tons of pollutants per year and produce approximately 900 tons of oxygen annually.据报道,一旦工程竣工,这座新城将可容纳3万人口,繁茂的树木绿植每年可吸收1万吨二氧化碳和57吨污染物,另外每年还可产生将近900吨氧气。
The city will achieve these rather impressive figures thanks to roughly a million plants from over 100 species, as well as 40,000 trees being planted in facades over almost every surface imaginable.柳州能实现如此惊人的数据将依赖于城市的绿植,柳州的植物数量将约达1百万棵,种类逾百种,此外凡可见之处都会栽种树木,约4万棵。