Google will be hit with a record fine for abusing its monopoly over internet search on Tuesday, seven years after the EU began investigating the technology giant.在欧盟对科技巨头谷歌展开调查的七年之后,谷歌将于周二因其在网络搜索行业的垄断行为而遭到创纪录的罚款。
The European Commission plans to announce its decision into the long-running case on Tuesday morning.欧盟委员会计划于周二上午宣布对这起存在已久的案件的判决。
The commission will impose the record fine for breaking EU competition law, saying Google used its dominant search engine to unfairly promote the Google Shopping service at the expense of smaller price-comparison websites.欧盟委员会表示,谷歌利用其强大的搜索引擎进行不公平的购物服务推广活动,使较小规模的比价网站遭受损害。该委员会将以谷歌违反欧盟竞争法为由对其处以创纪录的罚款。
The penalty will eclipse the previous €1.1bn (£1bn) record fine Intel was forced to pay in 2009 and the EU may also demand that Google make changes to its search results so that it is not seen to favour its own service.先前,因特尔公司于2009年被迫支付11亿欧元(10亿英镑)的罚金,而欧盟对谷歌的罚款将超过这一数额,而且欧盟可能还会要求谷歌对其搜索结果作出改变,以便使其不再被视为偏袒自身服务。
The decision will be a milestone moment in Google’s lengthy battle with the EU, as well as a critical point in relations between the US and Brussels, with European regulators becoming increasingly concerned about the power of Silicon Valley’s internet companies.随着欧盟监管者越来越担心硅谷互联网公司的影响力,该决议将是谷歌与欧盟漫长战争中具有里程碑意义的一刻,也会是美国和欧盟关系的关键时刻。
Google argues that its entry into online shopping services has been good for consumers and retailers, and says it is not a monopoly player in online shopping. It points to giants such as Amazon and eBay as alternative choices that have made internet shopping more competitive.谷歌认为,其推出在线购物服务对消费者和零售商都是有益的,并表示它并非在线购物的垄断者。谷歌暗示像亚马逊和易贝这样使互联网购物更具竞争性的巨头公司才是欧盟的备选项。
However, the commission has the power to fine Google up to 10pc of its annual revenues, or $9bn (£7bn). It has already argued that the company is stunting competition by favouring its own shopping service, saying it has a “duty to act” to protect consumers.然而,欧盟委员会有权力对谷歌处以高达其年收益10%或90亿美元(70亿英镑)的罚款。欧盟委员会已经表明,谷歌偏袒其自营购物服务,阻碍了竞争,并表示委员会“有义务采取行动”来保护消费者。
The investigation dates back to 2010, and was triggered by complaints from other price-comparison websites that Google had relegated their services in its search results.欧盟对谷歌的调查始于2010年,是因其他比价网站的投诉而引起的,谷歌在其搜索结果上降低了这些比价网站的服务排名。
The EU has also pursued Apple, Facebook and Amazon in various competition cases in recent years, occasionally provoking Washington into accusing Brussels of protectionism.近年来,欧盟还通过各种竞争类案件对苹果、脸书和亚马逊等公司进行了调查,偶尔还引起美国政府控告其实行贸易保护主义。
A fine could lead to a string of claims against Google from price-comparison shopping websites seeking damages.一次罚款可能会使寻求赔偿的比价购物网站对谷歌进行一系列的索赔。