What Are Fragrances?什么是香水?
Fragrances are complex mixtures of what people in the industry refer to as raw materials. These raw materials can be extracts from natural sources or synthetic raw materials.香水是一种业内人士所称的各种原料的复杂混合物。这些原料可以是天然或合成材料的提取物。
Oils are dissolved in a solvent (usually alcohol), to preserve a pleasant concoction of scents. The higher the concentration of oils – the greater the strength of the fragrance. The strength determines how long an application of the fragrance lasts on your skin.精油溶于溶剂中(通常为酒精),以保持怡人的香味。精油的浓度越高,香水的味儿就越浓。香水的浓度决定了它在我们身上持续的时间长短。
What Is The Difference Between Fragrance, Perfume, Toilette And Cologne?香水,香精,淡香水和古龙水之间有什么区别?
Eau Fraiche:The most diluted version of fragrance, usually with 1% – 3% perfume oil in alcohol and water. Usually lasts for less than an hour.清新淡香水:稀释度最高的香水,通常在酒精和水中含有1%-3%的精油。香味通常持续不到一个小时。
Cologne (Eau de Cologne): Oldest term for perfume, used in North America for masculine scents. Light, fresh and fruity, typically composed of 2% – 4% perfume oils in alcohol and water. Tend to be used in fragrances for younger people. Usually lasts for about 2 hours.古龙水:最古老的香水术语,用于北美的男性香水。质地轻盈,气味清新,酒精和水中通常含有2%-4%的精油。多为年轻人使用,持续时间约2小时。
Toilette (Eau de Toilette):A light spray composition with 5% – 15% pure perfume essence dissolved in alcohol. Usually lasts for about 3 hours.淡香水: 酒精中含有5%-15%纯香精的轻质喷雾剂。持续时间约3个小时。
Perfume (Eau de Parfum):Historically genderless, used to describe both men’s and women’s fragrances. The best term used to describe a fragrance. Contains 15% – 20% pure perfume essence and lasts for about 5 to 8 hours.香水:历史上无性别之分,可用于描述男士和女士香水。也是用于描述香味的最佳术语。酒精中含有15%-20%纯香精精华,持续时间约5〜8小时。
Perfume:A corruption of the Latin phrase per fumum (through smoke). The most concentrated and expensive of all fragrance options. Slightly oilier, perfume, or parfum, is composed of 20% – 30% pure perfume essence. A single application of perfume can last up to 24 hours.香料:从拉丁语per fumum衍变而来。是所有香水中最浓缩和最昂贵的。少量精油,香精或香水中含有20%-30%的纯香精精华,使用一次即可持续24小时。
Woody: 木香,常见的有
Fresh: 清香,常见的有亚麻味(linen)
Green : 青草香,比如绿叶,绿草,竹香味
Sweet: 甜香,包括
The Life Cycle Of Fragrances香水的生命周期
Top note:The top or basic note is the initial, lighter smell of the fragrance that hits the nose first. The top note lasts around 15 minutes – 2 hours.前调:前调是一瓶香水最先触及鼻子的轻微的香味,能持续约15分钟至2小时。
Typical top and middle notes are various floral scents, fruity scents, marine/aquatic notes, and spices such as cinnamon. Examples of these notes include citruses, powdery scents and light florals.典型的前调是各种花香,果香,海洋调或水调以及肉桂等香料。这些调子包括柑橘,粉末香料和花香成分。
Medium note :Also referred to as the middle or heart notes – showcase the main elements of the fragrance. These notes develop after the top note clears – around 30 minutes and can last 3-5 hours after being sprayed.中调:也被称为“香核”——展示了一款香水的精华所在。中调在前调之后出现,大约在30分钟左右,并且可以持续3-5个小时。
Heart notes most often include heavier floral scents. The middle and base notes are the extra layers of scents which give the fragrance its distinctive smell.中调通常含有更浓的花香。中调和基调是赋予香水独特气味的两个气味层。
Base note:The last to develop and helps fix the fragrance to the skin. This is where you will smell the bolder notes of the scent, which become more noticeable when the fragrance has been on the skin for a while. Base notes lay the foundation for the fragrance and will determine how long the fragrance lasts on your skin. Base notes tend to last from 5 to 10 hours. Typical base notes are sandalwood, vetiver, vanilla, tar, leather, smoke, tobacco, and musk.基调:最后散发并让香味“嵌入”皮肤的调子。这个时候气味最是浓郁,尤其当香水已经在皮肤上存留一段时间后,这些香味会变得更加明显。基调为香水奠定了基础,并将决定香水能在皮肤上持续多长时间。基调往往持续5至10个小时。典型的基调由檀木,香根草,香草,焦油,皮革,烟草和麝香组成。
As the notes dry up, the scent will change, allowing for the scents to evolve and be more interesting. Typically, the mark of a low-quality fragrance is if it remains monotone throughout its life.随着每个调子转换,香水的气味也发生变化,香味层层递进,趣味横生。通常来说,如果一款香水在整个生命周期中始终保持单调的香味,可见其质量不佳。
How To Select And Buy The Right Perfume?如何选择和购买正确的香水?
Scientific studies suggest that an individual can select the perfume that works best with his natural body odor. Don’t let others choose for you, instead let them reinforce your judgment.科学研究表明,每个人都可以选择到最适合自己体味的香水。不要让别人为你做出选择,而是通过他们的反应来证明你的选择是正确的。
Don’t try a blind buy – purchasing a perfume on someone else’s recommendation.不要盲目购买——在别人的推荐下买了一款(不适合自己的)香水。
You need to test if the perfume complements your natural body odor. Department stores are a convenient place to trial different samples, just ensure you don’t buy till ready. You should try not more than four fragrances at a time (two is ideal).你需要测试这款香水是否和你的体味相得益彰。百货公司是一个非常方便的地方,你可以在那试用不同的样品。在你准备好之前,确保不要胡乱购买。一次最好不要尝试超过四种香水(两种是最理想的)。
How to test fragrances?如何测试香水?
Spray one on each wrist and each inner elbow.在每只手腕和每个内肘上喷一点儿。
Between smelling each cologne, refresh your palate with something strong, like coffee beans (usually provided).闻不同的古龙水时,用一些气味重的东西,比如咖啡豆(一般香水柜台都会提供)来让你的鼻子重新进入新的状态。
Smell all the notes. Avoid using the paper strips provided for testing the fragrance. The initial top note smell isn’t necessarily the one that lingers for the rest of the day.要闻完所有的调子。不要使用提供的试香纸来测试。前调不一定是一整天持续的那个气味。
After spraying the fragrance on your wrists, walk around the department store, and smell the colognes at various intervals up to an hour.在手腕上喷洒香水后,可以在百货商店周围走走,差不多每隔一小时闻闻气味。
Rules For Perfume Application香水使用规则
Spray perfume on dry skin, preferably right after a shower. Hold the spray nozzle 3-6 inches from your skin and focus on these rules for applying perfume:在干燥的皮肤上喷洒香水,最好是在淋浴后。将喷嘴保持在距离皮肤3-6英寸处,并在使用香水时,注意下面的这些规则:
Pulse points – Your body heat will push the scent through out the day, creating a nice scent trail commonly called sillage. Start with the warm parts of your body – chest, neck, lower jaw, wrist, forearm, inner elbow, shoulder.可以喷在脉搏点处——身体散发的热量会让气味持续一整天,创造出一种通常被称为sillage的芳香。你可以从身体温暖的部分开始——胸部,颈部,下颌,手腕,前臂,内肘,还有肩部。
Re-spray only when required – You can add more sprays to your wrists or take sprays away depending on how long the scent lasts.只有在需要时才进行喷涂——根据香味的持续能力,来增加或减少喷在手腕上的次数。
Don’t kill the note – Rubbing the perfume into the skin seems a sensible thing to do. In reality – it breaks the molecular bond, making the scent weaker.不要破坏调子—— 将香水擦在皮肤上似乎是一件明智的事情,但事实上,这样会破坏分子键,也让香味变得更弱了。
Don’t spray and walk – Spraying a fragrance in the air and walking through the mist is worthless. Most of it the fragrances drops straight to the floor.不要喷在空气里然后再弄到身上——在空气中喷洒香水,然后再走上前让香水落在身上,这个方法并没有什么用。其实大部分香水都直接落到地板上了。
Don’t spray fragrance on your clothes – The fragrance isn’t allowed to mix with your oils, and hence it can’t naturally go through the stages of notes like it should. The oils in a fragrance will stain many fabrics.不要在你的衣服上喷洒香水——不要将香水与油性的东西混合,因为这样它就不能自然地经过三个阶段的调子。而且香水中油性的物质也会污染许多织物。
Don’t splash too much – If you are applying cologne from a regular bottle, take one finger and press it against the opening of your bottle, and then tip it over gently.不要洒太多——如果你常从瓶子里倒古龙水,请用一根手指压在瓶子的开口处,然后轻轻地将其倒出一点儿。
Less Is More – “Fragrance should be discovered, not announced”. People should be close to smell the perfume but not overpowered by it.少即是多——“香水应该是被他人发现的,而不是大肆地向别人宣扬”。人们能在靠近时闻到你身上的香味,而不是远远地就被它熏到了。
Women like to be with guys who smell good女生喜欢和那些闻起来很好的家伙呆在一块儿
Wearing a fragrance is a distinctive way of expressing yourself. Depending on the scent you choose, wearing a fragrance can make you more attractive and more approachable.使用香水能让你用独特的方式来展现自我。根据你挑选的气味,用一点儿香水会让你显得更有吸引力,也更平易近人。
Once you find some fragrances that you feel comfortable wearing and build an appreciation for perfumes that complement your natural odor, you’ll move on to the next level of purchasing fragrances– choosing them simply because you like how they smell.如果你发现某些香水让你感觉特别舒服,而且也能鉴赏出哪种香水适合你的体味,那么你就已经到达购买香水的下一级别了——选择它们只是纯粹因为你喜欢它们本身的气味。
Cucci 古驰——身份与财富的象征
Versace 范思哲——让人着迷的性感
Dior 迪奥——把优雅发挥到极致
Chanel 香奈儿——一直被模仿,从未被超越
Yves Saint Laurent 伊夫·圣罗兰——个性化的典范
Givenchy 纪梵希——独一无人的享受
Anna Sui 安娜苏——童话般的神秘与优美
Burberry 巴宝莉——英国式经典