囧研究:男人才是“弱势群体” 女人天生就比男人更强大
For millennia it has been the dividing line in the battle of the sexes.Women may be better at multi-tasking, less susceptible to ’man flu’ — but,
physically, men are the stronger sex.
And no wonder: on average, males are 6in taller than females and have twice
the upper-body strength, as well as denser bones, stronger tendons and greater
muscle mass.
Wonder Woman may be taking cinemas by storm this summer, but it’s always
Superman, with his rippling abs and bulging biceps, who saves the damsel in
However, this could be about to change. For a growing body of scientific
study is turning centuries-old gender research on its head — by suggesting that
women are, in fact, stronger than men.
’We often think of males as being the tougher and more powerful sex,’
explains Angela Saini, author of Inferior, a ground-breaking new book which
charts the scientists’ findings.
’But strength can be defined in different ways. When it comes to the most
basic instinct of all — survival — women’s bodies tend to be better equipped
than men’s.’
From longevity and surviving illness to coping with trauma and managing
pain, we investigate the surprising ways in which women really are the stronger
Girls’ edge over boys doesn’t just start at birth — it’s there in the womb.
Scientists at the University of Adelaide say this may be because a mother’s
placenta behaves differently depending on the gender of her baby.
Boys are bigger and grow faster in the womb, which can place a strain on
the placenta and lead to under-nourishment of the foetus and high blood pressure
in the mother.
’With female foetuses, the placenta does more to maintain the pregnancy and
increase immunity against infections,’ adds Angela Saini. ’Why this is, nobody
One possible explanation, she says, is that biologically, male foetuses are
slightly more common than female ones. ’The difference . . . might simply be
nature’s way of correcting the balance.’