英语自学网 发表于 2017-6-23 20:59:57


        A fast-growing Chinese bicycle-sharing startup looks to debut in Japan next month, with plans to operate in roughly 10 major cities by the end of the year in cooperation with local governments.这家共享单车公司在中国发展迅猛,它将在下个月登陆日本,与当地政府合作,预计年底会在日本十几个主要城市运营。
        Mobike launched its service just last year in Shanghai, and the company now commands 5 million bicycles across China. The secret of its meteoric success lies in the use of smartphones.摩拜的服务是去年在上海发家的,现在这家公司已经拥有500万量自行车,遍布中国各地。它迅猛发展的秘诀就在智能手机的运用上。
        Singapore and the U.K. have opened their doors to Mobike, recognizing the potential to reduce traffic congestion and automobile exhaust emissions as well as improve the health of residents. Japan will be the third overseas market to embrace the high-tech service.新加坡和英国都已经对摩拜单车敞开了大门,他们意识到这一服务能缓解交通杜塞、减少汽车尾气排放,还能提高国民健康水平。
        Tailor to local needs量体裁衣贴合本地需求
        A selling point of Mobike's service in China is that users can drop off the bike anywhere, but the company's service in Japan likely will designate pickup and drop-off locations, such as municipal bike-parking facilities and parking space at convenience stores, restaurants and other partners. As a bicycle's GPS system allows tracking of its location, Mobike may devise a mechanism to warn users who leave a bike in an undesignated location.摩拜单车在中国的卖点之一就是使用者可以把单车停在任何位置,不过它在日本将会在指定位置设立提车点和放车点,比如公共停车站或者便利店、饭店等门口的停车角。介于单车的GPS定位系统能够跟踪单车的位置,公司可以设置某种装置,当使用者把单车停放在非停车处时发出警告。
        Mobike is in final negotiations with some local governments -- Tokyo and the Osaka area are among those targeted -- and a test mode for the service likely will charge 100 yen (90 cents) or less for 30 minutes of use.摩拜单车公司正与日本地方政府进行最终洽谈——东京、大阪等城市都在名单之列——在日本的单车服务试运营版将允许使用者以100日元(90美分)或更少的价格限时30分钟之内使用单车。
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查看完整版本: 威武!摩拜单车今年7月将登陆日本