Body language matters a lot at work place. Wrong body language can leave a bad impression on your boss, your colleagues and everyone else. It can even make your boss fire you for wrong reasons. Here are some body language mistakes you must avoid at your workplace.肢体语言在工作场所很重要。错误的肢体语言可能会给你的老板,同事和其他人造成非常不好的印象。甚至可以让你的老板因为错误的原因开除你。以下是一些你在工作场所必须避免的肢体语言错误。1. Slouching1. 无精打采的坐姿
A lot of women feel too tired or sad at work because of several reasons. You might be having low energy levels on a working day but despite of that, you should not slouch. Slouching actually depicts that you don’t care much about your work or yourself. It can also indicate that you are either disinterested in work or you are not taking your boss’s instructions seriously. So, stand tall at work and portray a more poised you. This will raise your self-esteem as well.出于各种原因,很多女性会在工作中感到疲劳或沮丧。也许在某个工作日,你感觉没什么精神,但尽管如此,也不应该懒散地坐着。实际上,无精打采的坐姿会展现出你对工作、对自己不在意的一面。它也可以表明你对工作毫无兴趣,或者你并没有认真对待老板的指示。所以,昂首挺胸,展现一个更加泰然自若的形象。这样的姿势也会提高你的自信心。
2. Not paying attention when someone is speaking to you2. 与人交谈时心不在焉
This is one of the major mistakes people commit at work. Cell phones and laptops act as distractions for women at work. These gadgets can make you look disinterested in things your boss or anyone else is saying. So, look into the eyes of your boss when he/she is speaking to you. Show that you are listening with interest. Lean a little forward in your chair and give nods. Don’t nod unnecessarily because this could show your anxiousness or low confidence.这是人们在工作中常犯的重大错误之一。手机和笔记本电脑总是让女性在工作中分心。这些小玩意会让你看起来对你老板或其他人所说的话不感兴趣。所以,当老板在跟你说话的时候,看着他或她的眼睛,并表现出你很感兴趣。坐在椅子上微微倾斜身子,时不时点点头。但是不要在不必要的时候乱点头,因为这可能会显示出你的焦虑或没自信。
3. The wrong type of eye contact3. 错误形式的眼神交流
You must maintain the right eye contact while speaking to anyone at work. Don’t shift your eyes while talking because this will make people feel that you are a less involved person. Never give a constant lingering gaze to anyone because it can throw a person off his feet. It is ideal to make eye contact for three to five seconds, to look away and then look at the person again.在工作中与任何人交谈时,你必须保持正确的眼神交流。在谈话时不要看向别处,因为这样会让人觉得你是一个不够投入的人。永远不要持续盯着一个人,因为这样会让别人害怕靠近你。理想的眼神交流应该持续三到五秒钟,接着看看别处,然后再回来看着这个人。
4. Keeping physical barriers between you and the person you are speaking to4. 你和谈话人之间隔着许多东西
It is best to remove all the interruptions between you and others while you are talking to them. Obstacles like a computer, a chair or a table can be bad for your conversation. These obstacles can make people feel that you are too under-confident or too defensive to remove the physical barriers for the conversation. Obstacles can limit your chances of creating a positive impression on people through words and body language.在与他人交谈时,最好挪掉你和他们之间的障碍物。比如电脑,椅子或桌子这样的障碍物可能不利于你们的谈话。这些障碍物的存在会让人们觉得你太缺乏自信或过于防御。它们可能也会限制你本可以通过语言和肢体语言给别人留下积极印象的机会。
5. Playing with an object constantly5. 不停摆弄东西
Playing constantly with an object can make people feel that you can’t sit still and focus on anything. This can show that you are indifferent and disrespectful. Don’t clench your fists or drum your fingers while sitting in a meeting or at any time. Fidgeting with an object or playing with the cuticles can make you ruin your image at work.不停摆弄东西会让人觉得你是个坐不住、不专心的人。这也可能说明你对事情无所谓,还不尊重人。开会或其他任何时候,握拳或用手指打拍子都不可取。摆弄小东西或者扣扣索索可能也会让你在工作中自毁形象。
6. Sitting or standing with crossed arms6. 双臂交叉地坐着或站着
Crossed arms can show that you are defensive or uninterested. So, never sit with your arms crossed while your boss briefs you or while you talk to someone. Clasp your hands in front of your body and rest the hands on the chair’s arms.双臂交叉会表现出你自我防御或者不感兴趣的姿态。所以,当你的老板在跟你说话的时候,或者你和别人交谈时,永远不要双手交叉。双手微合置于身体前方,并将手肘放在椅子的把手上。
7. Not wearing a smile7. 面无笑容
It is definitely important to wear proper clothes to work. But, you should never forget to wear a smile at work. A genuine smile can actually wipe away a lot of your flaws. It can also make you look and feel positive.上班穿合适的衣服非常重要。但是,永远不要忘记工作时应面带微笑。事实上,真诚的笑容可以抹去你的很多缺点。它也可以让你看起来积极向上。
8. Acting girlish8. 女孩子气的行为
This is one of the biggest mistakes made by a lot of women. Girlish behavior consists of twirling your hair, playing with your jewelry, biting your nails, hugging your own body, hugging your colleagues too much and fidgeting with your clothes. It is really not attractive to giggle too much at work. It can irritate some seniors. Girlish behavior can make your seniors feel that you are too casual in the office.这是很多女性所犯的最大的错误之一。女孩子气的行为包括绕头发,玩首饰,咬指甲,拥抱自己,或过多拥抱你的同事,还有摆弄衣服。 在工作中总是傻笑真的很没有吸引力。这可能会惹怒一些领导。女孩子气的行为可能会让领导觉得你在办公室里太随便了。
9. Not speaking up9. 总是沉默不说话
You should not be an invisible person at work. When you have something to say, just go ahead and say it. If you don’t speak up then others will not hesitate in running you over. It is important to ask sensible questions and speak the right things in order to maintain your authority in meetings, negotiations or regular days.你不应该成为工作中的“隐形人”。当你有话要说的时候,就勇敢地表达出来。如果你不接话,那么其他人会毫不犹豫地跳过你。提明智的问题,说正确的事情,在会议、谈判或日常生活中保持你的权威,这件事情非常重要。
10. Being too expressive10. 表现欲太强
Some women express themselves too much to get attention from people. In order to increase the sense of authority, you must speak to the point. Express your emotions in a very subtle and limited way at work. Don’t show any mood swings, bouts of nervousness or constant frowning. Look powerful, calm and contained at work.有些女性为了博得他人的关注,过多地表现自己。为了增加权威感,你必须说到点上。在工作中要用巧妙而有限的方式表达情绪。不要出现任何情绪波动,频频紧张或不断皱眉。让自己在工作上看起来有能力、镇静和从容。
11. Keeping a straight face11. 总是板着脸
Some women keep a poker face at work. This is because they try to hold their emotions in check. It is alright to express your feelings at work because not doing so at all will lead to a bad emotional outburst some day or the other.有些女性在工作时总是绷着一张扑克脸。这是因为她们试图不把情绪放到脸上。在工作中适当表达你的感受没什么问题,因为不这样做可能会导致坏的情绪在某天突然爆发。
12. Not empathizing with people around12. 不体谅周围的人
It is important to go up to an emotionally hurt person and to empathize. It is alright if you can’t help this person to fix the problem, but your one pat on his/her back can make you look and feel humane. It will be great if you go one step ahead and solve this person’s problem.走上前去安抚一个感情受伤的人非常重要。如果你不能帮助这个人解决问题,但是只要你拍拍他的背,也会让你看起来更有人情味。如果你能上前帮忙解决问题当然更好了。
13. Watching the clock again and again13. 一遍又一遍地查看钟表
If you are sitting in a meeting and it is time to go home in the evening then don’t look at the wall clock again and again. This can leave a very bad impression on everyone around.如果你正坐在会议室里,刚好又到了晚上该回家的时候,不要一次又一次的看着挂钟。这会给周围的人留下非常糟糕的印象。
14. Rolling your eyes14. 翻白眼
This is one of the worst mistakes you can do at work. Don’t roll your eyes even to look funny.这是在工作中最糟糕的错误之一。不要翻白眼,就算只是为了搞笑。
15. Giving a handshake that’s too delicate15. 握手纤弱无力
Such a handshake can make you look like a weak and aimless woman. People actually appreciate firm handshakes. A strong handshake definitely creates a positive impression. On the other hand, a delicate one can immediately paint you as a shy, passive and under-confident person. So, practice your business handshake in the front of a mirror.这样的握手方式会让人感觉你是个意志薄弱,毫无目的的人。实际上,人们更欣赏有力的握手。握手有力显然会给人留下积极的印象。另一方面,握手纤弱无力会让人把你当成一个害羞,被动和不自信的人。 所以,在镜子前练习练习如何在商务场合有力地握手吧。
16. Making too many animated gestures16. 手舞足蹈
Some animated gestures and movements can help you to express yourself whereas too much of this can make you look like a clown. So, don’t make too many animated gestures at work.一些生动的手势和动作可以帮助你表达,但是太多动作就会让你看起来像个小丑似的。 所以,不要在工作场合手舞足蹈的 。