You know the drill. The week presses on as Tuesday rolls into Wednesday, Thursday and you’re one day closer to Friday...just like that, it’s TGIF! A little spring in your step, the weekend is finally here.你心里清楚的很,每周都是一如既往的向前迈,就像从周二过到周三,再到周四,然后就到了离得较近的周五……就像这样,谢天谢地终于又到周五了!让每天生活得脚步活泼有力,周末终会到来。
But, the question is this: If you truly enjoyed your job would you be counting down the hours -sometimes the minutes - until 5 o’clock on Friday? What would happen if you lived in a world where you enjoyed Monday (and everyday of the week, for that matter)? What if you actually looked forward to returning to work after a relaxing or even a hectic weekend? You didn’t get the nagging and aching Sunday night blues and instead, you enjoyed your weekend to its fullest and then you commuted to work on Monday looking forward to returning to your job and its challenges and rewards.但是,问题来了:如果你真的很喜欢你的工作,你会倒数几个小时——或几分钟的时间——直到周五下班的时间吗?如果你生活在一个喜欢周一(或就此而言,喜欢一周的每一天)的世界里,会发生什么情况呢?如果你真的希望在一个轻松的,甚至一个忙碌的周末之后重返工作呢?你没有感觉到周末晚上的郁闷和伤痛,相反,你最喜欢你的周末,这样你才能在周一乘车去上班时,期待着回到你的工作,并面对随之而来的挑战和回报。
What if I told you this was possible - feasible, even? If you love your job, here are the things you look forward to on Monday mornings. 要是我告诉你这是可能的,甚至可行的呢?如果你热爱你的本职工作,你将会期待周一上午能发生这些事情。
1.You’re employed! Remember during the recession if you weren’t downsized and your employment remained intact, you were pretty much grateful to be employed? Be grateful on a Monday morning there’s a job to return to with a steady paycheck on its way. 1.你被雇用了!记住,在经济衰退期间,如果你没有被裁员,你的工作也是保持不变,你应该非常感谢被雇用了吧?感谢周一上午可以重返工作,有一份稳定的薪水可领。
2. Job satisfaction. Taking it one step further, yes, there’s nothing wrong with being grateful for a paycheck and steady job, especially if your weekend depleted your bank account, but how about a job you truly enjoy? You feel recognized and appreciated and your skills are being utilized on a daily basis. This is a crucial piece to happiness at work. 2.工作满意度。更进一步讲,其实你感谢自己有一份薪水和稳定的工作并没有错,特别是当你在周末花光了银行卡里的钱时。但怎样的一个工作才算是你真正喜欢的呢?在工作中,你得到认可,受到赞赏,你每天都在利用你的技能。这才是工作满意的关键。
3. Co-workers. Your work family is key, especially since you spend more time with them than your actual family and friends. If you’ve ever had a stressful weekend or perhaps one with an unruly schedule that flew by in the blink of an eye, you’re likely thankful when Monday morning returns to check in with colleagues at the coffee station to say hello. 3.同事。你的工作伙伴也很关键,特别是当你和工作伙伴在一起的时间比和家人朋友在一起的时间还多时。如果你度过了一个紧张的周末,或者周末的日程安排不确定,时间转瞬即逝,那么你可能十分感激自己周一早上能重返工作,能在咖啡小站碰到同事并互相打招呼。
4. Your boss. We all need to know someone has our back and a fantastic boss can provide the support we need, as well as resources to excel. Although they may be in meetings or work in another office, in essence a Monday morning means you’re returning to a meaningful position with leaders who want you to grow. 4.你的老板。我们都知道工作时要有人支持我们,一个不错的老板可以提供我们所需的支持,以及擅长的资源。虽然他们可能在另一个办公室进行会议或工作,但实质上,周一上午意味着你要和老板一起回到有意义的位置,他们希望你能不断成长。
5. The feeling of accomplishment. Yes, that feeling of a job well done as you reap the reward of success, knowing that your diligence and persistence truly pays off. This is especially rewarding if you’ve overcome challenges and managed to grow during the process. 5.成就感。的确,当你获得成功的奖励时,这种工作的感觉很好,这让你知道自己的勤勉和坚持真的获得了回报。在这一过程中,如果你克服了挑战并能够成长起来,这是非常值得的。
6. A positive work environment. Many job seekers overlook this, but corporate culture and environment are important to not only your success but to your happiness. When you are a part of a positive environment that applauds ideas and innovation, chances are when Monday rolls around, you’re psyched to roll up your sleeves and get back to business. 6.积极的工作环境。许多求职者都忽视了这一点,但是企业文化和环境不仅对你取得成功很重要,而且对你获得快乐也很重要。当你处在一个积极的环境中,鼓励创意和创新,那么你很可能在周一到来之际,兴奋得卷起袖子,重新投入到工作中来。
While it may feel like #TGIM is pie in the sky dreaming if you don’t have all of these items in place, you can certainly be happy on a Monday when you have the majority of what matters most to you intact. (For instance, maybe salary isn’t as important to you than your gratitude for flexibility with hours and location.) It’s time to celebrate our careers and more importantly, our jobs on a Monday! 虽然上面的任何一项你都没有,#TGIM(谢天谢地今天是星期一)对你来讲也不可能发生,但是当你拥有了绝大部分最重要的东西时,到了周一你一定会很开心。(例如,对你而言,工资可能不如灵活的工作时间和地点重要。)现在该庆祝我们的职业生涯啦,更重要的是,庆祝我们在周一的工作!
So, what if you aren’t satisified with your job and Monday morning feels more like drudgery and doom and gloom? And what if your co-workers, your boss, the work environment and the job itself lead you to feeling downright allergic to your job? 那么,如果你不满意你的工作,觉得周一上午十分单调乏味,悲伤沮丧,你将会怎样呢?如果你的同事,你的老板,工作的环境和工作本身都让你十分反感你的工作,你将会怎样呢?
If you’re not feeling #TGIM when Monday rolls around, simply stated, it’s time to find a better job. Often times job seekers tell me that after they landed a new role, their one regret was not looking for one sooner when they knew they were unhappy or knew their skills were getting stale. 若到了周一,你并没有#TGIM(谢天谢地今天是周一)的快乐感觉,那么简而言之,你该去找一份更好的工作了。求职者经常告诉我,在他们找到新工作后,他们的一个遗憾就是没有在觉得不快乐或是清楚自身技能无法提高时,及早地寻找一份工作。
What I’ve seen first-hand as a former corporate recruiter is that a better job awaits as soon as people are open to pursuing one. As the interview process commences, one question to ask yourself involves the #TGIM factor - will I be happy here and grateful to return to a job I love every Monday? What do I need to be truly happy, what are the driving forces of why I’m looking for a better job and how can these new opportunities fit my needs? How can I achieve happiness and sustain that satisfaction and gratitude throughout the entire week? 作为一名前企业招聘人员,我亲眼看到过,一旦人们愿意考虑去追求工作的快乐,一份更好的工作将会等着他。面试开始时,问自己一个关于#TGIM(谢天谢地今天是周一!)的问题——我很开心在这儿工作吗?很感激每周一能投入到我爱的工作中去吗?我要怎么才能真正的开心?为什么我要寻找更好的工作,驱动力是什么?这些新的机遇是如何满足我的需求的?在整周内,我该如何获得快乐并保持满意和感激之情?
Happiness beckons you on a Monday morning but you have to be willing to leave the Sunday night blues behind and search for a better tomorrow. 当你愿意把周日晚间忧伤抛诸身后,寻找更好的明天,快乐将会在周一早上向你招手。