英语自学网 发表于 2017-6-23 20:55:30


  A. Because they were driven by steam power.
  B. Because they did the work animals used to do.
  C. Because they pulled cars full of coal.
  D. Because they were made of iron.
  A. He wanted the railroad to be developed.
  B. He wanted to have a more powerful steam engine.
  C. He wanted to own the land near the railroad.
  D. He wanted to build his own railroads.
  A. The train could not run as fast as the horse.
  B. The engine failed to build up steam.
  C. The engine broke down and the train stopped.
  D. The engine broke into several parts.
  In the early days of railroads horses pulled the trains. The trains had no engines and no power of their own. Richard Traversic of England invented a steam-powered engine in 1840. Soon people were building railroads and steam engines all over the world. Because the steam engine did the work that used to be done by animals, people called them "Iron Horses". Peter Copper was a rich American businessman. He owned a lot of land near the Bottom Hal and Ohio railroad. He wanted the railroad to be successful. He built his own steam engine to drive along the railroad. Most people traveled in coaches drawn by horses. A coach line challenged Peter Copper to a race.
  The day of the race came. At first, the horse was winning the race. Peter Copper's engine needed time to build up steam. He worked hard to make the train go faster. Soon, he was catching up with the horse. He was going to win the race. Suddenly, one of the parts of the engine broke. The train stopped. The horse rushed ahead. Peter Copper lost the race. Of course, that is not the end of the story. By 1870, railroads extended all across the United States. The Iron Horse had become an important part of American life.
  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  26. Why did people call steam engines Iron Horses?
  27. Why did Peter Copper build his own steam engine?
  解析:He wanted the railroad to be successful.和He built his own steam engine...两句之间没有连词,但其中的因果关系很明显。所以A正确。选项是某人的愿望,与railroad和steam engine有关。答案是原文的同义表达,句型相同,只是将successful替换成了developed。此处“同义表达是答案”。
  28. How did Peter Copper lose the race?
  解析:短文说,Peter Copper快要取得胜利时,突然引擎的一个部件出了故障,火车停住了,才输掉了比赛。所以C正确。根据选项可知,train很可能出了故障,要捕捉具体是哪方面的故障。答案中的engine broke和the train stopped都是听到的原词。听到什么选什么。
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