英语自学网 发表于 2017-6-23 20:55:24


  A. Love.
  B. Conflict.
  C. Violence.
  D. Mystery.
  A. The main character remains the same.
  B. The main character realizes his dreams.
  C. The main character dies in the end.
  D. The main character undergoes a change.
  A. We can learn how bad persons improve themselves.
  B. We can learn how to get along with other people.
  C. We can understand life a bit better.
  D. We can find more ways to kill time.
  Hollywood produces many different kinds of films, including mysteries, musicals, love stories and horror films. Different these films may be, they generally have one thing in common—conflict. The main character wants something very badly and will do anything to get it. The opponent tries to stop the main character from achieving his goal. This opposition creates conflict and conflict is the heart of drama. To give an example, let's say the main character is a young man of humble origin, who wants to marry the beautiful daughter of a rich banker. The father thinks the young man is unworthy of his daughter and does not allow her to see him. The young man, who is very much in love, refuses to give up without a fight. The conflict between the young man and the girl's father is what makes the story interesting. It forces the main characters to take action and through their action we see them as they really are. In a good story, the main character changes. He is not the same at the end of the story as he was at the beginning. He learns something from his experiences. That makes him a different, perhaps a better person. And we learn something from watching him. Good movies not only entertain us, they also help us understand a little more about life.
  Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  29. What is common to all the films produced in Hollywood?
  30. What usually happens to the main character in a good story?
  31. According to the speaker, what can we get from good movies?
  解析:短文说,好的电影不但可以让我们娱乐,而且帮助我们更理解生活。所以C正确。根据选项可以预测题目问我们如何受益。"not only...but (also)"的特殊句型,考点就隐藏其中。
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