英语自学网 发表于 2017-6-20 21:02:28


  Figure 1 has made a name for itself as a social network that lets medical
professionals discuss photos of patient conditions with colleagues around the
          作为社交媒体的Figure 1 已然为自己树立了声望,医学专家们可以和全球各地的同行在Figure 1 上讨论病人病情的照片。
          “They can learn in real time from other people experiencing and seeing
cases,” says Dr. Joshua Landy, a practicing physician and cofounder of Figure
          执业医师、Figure 1的合伙创始人约什•兰迪博士说,“他们能实时向其他正在看病例的医学专家学习。”
          “If you’re seeing a case, you can take a picture of it, you can describe it
and ask for help, and you can even page a specialist.”

          Now, the Toronto company sometimes referred to as the “Instagram for
doctors” plans to introduce artificial intelligence into the mix, starting with
a feature to turn photos of electrocardiograms into digital data.
          The company is planning to formally announce the feature later this month
at the International Congress on Electrocardiology in Portland.
          At first, experts will be able to weigh in on the meaning of the
measurements, but in the future more advanced machine learning systems may be
able to provide their own insight into what particular readings mean.
          Electrocardiograms translate electrical impulses in the heart into line
graphs that doctors can read to diagnose patients.
          While they’re naturally useful in checking for heart attacks and other
cardiac issues, experts can sometimes also spot other conditions in ECG
readings, from pneumonia to Parkinson’s disease, Landy explains.
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查看完整版本: 新奇APP:医生专用的“专业八卦”(双语)