Uber CEO Travis Kalanick sent a letter to employees announcing a leave of absence. He did not specify when he would be back. In this email, he wrote:优步首席执行官特拉维斯·卡兰尼克给员工发了一封邮件,宣布自己暂时休假,并未说明何时会回到公司。他在邮件里写到:
“Recent events have brought home for me that people are more important than work, and that I need to take some time off of the day-to-day to grieve my mother, whom I buried on Friday, to reflect, to work on myself, and to focus on building out a world-class leadership team.”“最近发生的一系列事件让我认识到人比工作更重要,我需要放下日常工作休息一阵子,悼念我周五埋葬的母亲,反思、完善自己,并集中精力打造一支世界级的领导团队。”
“For Uber 2.0 to succeed there is nothing more important than dedicating my time to building out the leadership team. But if we are going to work on Uber 2.0, I also need to work on Travis 2.0 to become the leader that this company needs and that you deserve.”“要想优步2.0获得成功,我必须把时间花在打造领导团队上,没有什么比这更重要。如果我们要继续完善优步2.0,我也必须成长为特拉维斯2.0才行,成为这家公司需要的以及值得你们拥护的领导。”
“Do your life's work in service to our mission... And make Uber 2.0 real so that the world can see the inspired work all of you do, and the inspiring people that make Uber great.”“你们要把精力放在我们共同的使命上……让优步2.0成为现实,让全世界都看到你们鼓舞人心的工作,明白优步之所以伟大是因为有你们。”