Whether they come in jelly donut, Peeps, Swedish Fish, cereal, or fidgetspinner varieties, most people agree at this point: Oreos are perfect. Their
sandwich-like construction notwithstanding, the philosophy that's driven their
flavor lineup has turned the Oreo into America's bestselling cookie.
With that in mind, the company has opened the floor to its biggest fans
with a new contest called #MyOreoCreation, which could help choose the latest
new Oreo flavor as well as win you a $500,000 prize.
The rules are simple: Propose an Oreo cookie idea as a response to an Oreo
social media post.
Three finalists in the contest will get $25,000 each and see their flavor
creation hit store shelves nationwide next May. The $500,000 grand prize winner
will be determined by the highest number of fan votes, and from there, Oreo will
move their flavor into mass production.
Best of all, Oreo will also surprise numerous fans all across the country
by delivering real-life samples of the flavor they submitted via a small Wonder
Vault robot.
最棒的是,奥利奥公司还会用小型的Wonder Vault机器人为粉丝们奉上冠军口味的奥利奥饼干样品,为广大粉丝带来惊喜。