China’s Kweichow Moutai Co., the world’s most valuable liquor distiller, said it aims to boost revenue by more than 15 percent this year as it benefits from Chinese consumers shifting to pricier spirits.世界上最有价值的酿酒公司中国贵州茅台股份有限公司表示,得益于中国消费者转向高价白酒,该公司今年的目标是增加15%以上的收益。
Full-year net income grew 8 percent last year to 16.7 billion yuan ($2.4 billion). Revenue rose 19 percent to 38.9 billion yuan.去年,茅台全年的净收入增加了8%,达167亿元(24亿美元),其收益增加了19%,达389亿元。
Profit growth comes as Moutai raises wholesale prices, a sign that the top-shelf brands in the baijiu industry have succeeded in appealing more to a growing middle class.茅台的利润随着批发价格的提高而增长,这说明在白酒行业,这个顶级品牌成功地吸引到了更多的中产阶级。
“Moutai boasts the strongest pricing power in the industry with its strong brand awareness,” an analyst at SWS Research Co., said. “It has robust growth momentum and rising levels of profitability driven by rising income levels and middle-class consumers spending more.”“茅台以其强大的品牌知名度和其在行业内的最强定价权而自豪,”申银万国证券研究有限公司的一位分析师表示。“受到收入水平提高以及中产阶级消费者购买力增强的影响,茅台获得了稳健的增长势头,其盈利率也不断上涨。”
Maotai's stock has more than tripled since 2013, closing at 395.45 yuan Friday in Shanghai.自2013年以后,这只股票涨了三倍多,星期五在上交所的收市价格为395.45元。
But it faces the long-term challenge of attracting young Chinese drinkers who are fonder of bars and nightclubs than the banquet halls where baijiu is often downed. Their willingness to spend more is also matched by a desire to invest in healthier lifestyles, while makers of wine and Western liquors like whiskey make a strong bid for their attention.但白酒在吸引中国年轻的饮酒者上仍面临着长期的挑战。比起宴会厅,年轻人更喜欢酒吧和夜店,而在那里白酒往往不受欢迎。他们愿意消费更多也与他们希望在更健康的生活方式上投资的想法相匹配,然而葡萄酒和西方威士忌等酒类饮品厂商也在设法吸引他们的关注。
“There’s a growing health-consciousness among consumers that could impact the demand for baijiu in the long term,” said Hunter Williams, a partner at Oliver Wyman Ltd.“消费者的健康意识日益增长,从长期看,这会影响对白酒的需求,”奥纬咨询公司合伙人亨特·威廉姆斯说道。