英语自学网 发表于 2017-6-12 21:33:58


        Six Chinese mainland universities have been listed in the QS World University Rankings 2018, improving on last year's total by two. 2018年QS世界大学排名新鲜出炉,中国共6所大学上榜,相较去年增加了2所。
        Zhejiang University, based in Hangzhou, the first of the two new entries, jumped 23 places to the 87th, while the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, capital of Anhui province, is ranked 97th. The other four universities are clustered in Beijing and Shanghai, with highest-ranked Tsinghua University in 25th, followed by Peking University (#38), Fudan University (#40) and Shanghai Jiaotong University (#62).浙江大学排名上升23位,位列第87位,中国科技大学名列第97位。其余四所大学聚集在北京和上海,其中清华大学排名最高,位列第25位,北京大学紧随其后,位列第38位,复旦大学排名第40位,上海交通大学第62位。
        It now makes China home to the most top 100 universities in Asia, with Japan having five, South Korea having four and Singapore two.新发布的世界百强名校排名榜显示,中国目前在亚洲占有最多强校席位,日本有五所大学上榜,韩国四所,新加坡两所。
        As one of the most recognised universities rankings, QS evaluates universities on six metrics: academic reputation, employer reputation, faculty/student ratio, citations per faculty, international faculty ratio and international student ratio. QS世界大学排名的权威性全球公认,主要从六个方面对大学作出评估:学术声誉、雇主声誉、教职员工与学生比例、单位教职员工论文引用数、国际教职员工比例和国际学生比例。
        Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has been at the top for six years in a row with outstanding performance in academic and employer reputation, as well as an impressive number in citations per faculty.麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology,简称麻省理工,MIT)连续六年占据榜首,以其领先的学术声誉、雇主声誉和出色的单位教职员工论文引用数长期名列前茅。
        注:QS世界大学排名,是由教育组织Quacquarelli Symonds所发表的年度世界大学排名。QS世界大学排名(QS World University Rankings)是历史第二悠久的全球大学排名,第一次发布于2004年,仅次于《世界大学学术排名》(2003年)。
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