英语自学网 发表于 2017-6-7 16:03:52


        The bronze zodiac animal heads looted during the second Opium War are among the most potent symbols of China's "Century of Humiliation." 第二次鸦片战争圆明园的十二生肖铜兽首被掠走,成为中国“百年耻辱”最重要的标志之一。
        But now they've made a triumphant return to Beijing, albeit in the form of replicas at a local tourist attraction that is not their original home, the Old Summer Palace (Yuanmingyuan). 如今十二生肖胜利归来,却不是回到以前的归所圆明园,而以仿制品的样子出现在了当地一处旅游景区。
        Replicas of the infamous cultural relics can be seen at the Shilinxia scenic area in Beijing's Pinggu District. Located on a hilltop, the 12 statues are part of the area's tourist attractions that include the recently-opened world's largest glass-bottomed viewing platform.这些文物的仿制品出现在北京平谷石林峡景区,这12座雕像和最近开放的世界最大的玻璃观景平台成为了该景区的景点。
        The statues follow the likeness of the looted animal heads, but take a number of artistic liberties. Unlike the originals, the Shilinxia zodiac animal statues are standing, wear non-traditional clothing, and have anthropomorphized into men and women forms. 这些雕像仿照了被掠走的兽首,但是却自由发挥了不少。石林峡景区的十二生肖雕塑不像原本的样子,这些雕像是站立着的,穿着非常规的服装,有男性和女性之分。
        However, both versions share the same function as fountainheads.即便如此,圆明园原来的十二生肖雕像和石林峡景区的雕像作用却是一样的,都是用作喷泉头。
        Unlike the park visitors seeing taking photos with the replicas in May of last year, not everyone is a fan. 自去年5月以来,景区游客纷纷与这些仿制雕像拍照,但是并非所有人都热衷于此。
        Beijing History and Folklore Society deputy director Liu Yang objects to the Old Summer Palace statue replicas because they "mislead the public." 北京史地民俗学会副会长刘阳反对仿制圆明园的雕像,因为很容易“给大众造成误解”。
        "Tourists who have never been to the Old Summer Palace will get the wrong idea and think that the animal statues look this way," said Yang, who added the replicas have the "negative effect" of "lowering the value of the originals."“没有去过圆明园的游客可能会误解,认为十二生肖铜像就是那个样子,”刘阳还补充说,这些仿制品会带来“负面影响”,会“损害圆明园的兽首像的价值”。
        Yang considers the original zodiac animal heads to be "unique" and thinks they shouldn't be replicated. 刘阳认为圆明园十二生肖兽首具有“唯一性”,不应该被仿制。
        "We don't recommend relics associated with the Old Summer Palace to be developed as tourist attractions," said Yang. 刘阳说:“我们不建议利用圆明园的形象去进行旅游开发。”
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查看完整版本: 圆明园生肖的仿制品大受欢迎,专家很不高兴