英语自学网 发表于 2017-6-6 22:33:12



  屈原是中国古代伟大的诗人,非常有学问。楚国都城被秦军攻破后,他悲愤绝望,跳进汨罗江自杀。传说屈原投江的日子是中国的农历五月初五,人们为了纪念他,每年的这一天都要赛龙舟、吃粽子(rice dumpling)。赛龙舟是为了把鱼吓走;包粽子喂鱼是为了让鱼不要去吃屈原的尸体。屈原采用楚国方言,利用民间歌谣的形式,创造出一种新的诗歌形式,叫做“楚辞”(the songs of Chu)。他写了许多优秀的诗篇,以《离骚》(Li Sao)最为著名。他的作品语言优美,想象奇特。
  As a great poet in ancient China,Qu Yuan was extremely knowledgeable. After the capital of Chu was seized by the Qin army,angry and desperate,Qu Yuan drowned himself in Miluo River. Legend has it that the day Qu Yuan drowned himself was on May 5th on China's lunar calendar. To commemorate Qu Yuan,on that day each year,people hold dragon-boat racing and eat rice dumplings. Holding dragon boat racing is to scare fish away; feeding fish with rice dumplings is to stop them from eating Qu Yuan's body. Adopting the form of folk ballad,Qu Yuan created a new poetic form called “the songs of Chu”in Chu dialect. Qu Yuan wrote many wonderful poems,among which Li Sao is the most famous. His works are characterized by beautiful language and fancy imagination.
  1.非常有学问:可译为extremely knowledgeable。
  2.被...攻破:可以理解为“被...夺取”,即was seized by...
  3. 跳进汨罗江自杀:可译为drowned himself in Miluo River。其中 drown oneself意为“自溺身亡”,即投江自杀。
  4.把鱼吓走:可译为scare fish away。
  5.以《离骚》最为著名:根据上句,可译为among which Li Sao is the most famous。
  6.他的作品语言优美,想象奇特:可译为His works are characterized by beautiful language and fancy imagination,其中be characterized by表示“以...为特点,具有…的特征。”
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查看完整版本: 2017年6月英语六级翻译训练:屈原