英语自学网 发表于 2017-5-24 17:36:37


  A. He had thought Chicago was a young city.
  B. He had thought that Chicago was very large.
  C. He had thought that Chicago should be an old city.
  D. He has thought that Chicago was totally destroyed by fires.
  A. Fort Dearborn was built in 1833 in the place that would become Chicago.
  B. Chicago didn't officially become a town in 1893.
  C. Only 350 people lived in Chicago when it officially became a town.
  D. Another 350 people moved into Chicago when it became a town.
  A. It was in 1893 when Chicago was still a small town.
  B. It broke out when Chicago wasn't even forty years old.
  C. It didn't affect Chicago significantly.
  D. It was in 1871 when Chicago was fourteen years old.
  A. They will review the seminar this week on Chicago together.
  B. They will attend Mr. Johnson's seminar again.
  C. They will attend a seminar on US economy.
  D. They will meet again on next Friday for a seminar.
  W: Hey, Mike! Did you attend Mr. Johnson's seminaron the History of Chicago?
  M: Yes, I did. I didn't notice you were there, too.
  W: I was late for it. Wasn't it a great seminar? I havelearned so much!
  M: It certainly was. I hadn't understood thatChicago was such a young city, less than 200 years old.
  W: Yes, I thought it was an old city before, but it turned out that I was wrong. You stillremember what Mr. Johnson said? The army fort, Fort Dearborn, was built in 1803 in the placethat would become Chicago. Chicago didn't officially become a town until 30 years later, in 1833.
  M: Yes, and when it officially became a town in 1833, it was very small. It had apopulation of only 350. Think about that, only 350 people! It was really a tiny town by then.
  W: But it's a pity that after Chicago had grown, much of it was destroyed in a fire. Justimagine! What a big fire it was!
  M: The Great Chicago Fire was in 1871. Chicago wasn't even forty years old at thetime, but it had grown much bigger.
  W: Yet only twenty-two years later, in 1893, Chicago was able to host a World's Fair. It wassuch a huge development for a city.
  M: Yes. Chicago had been rebuilt after the fire and was eager to show itself off to the rest ofthe world at the World's Fair in 1893.
  W: I will attend another seminar on the Economy of Chicago next week. Mr.Johnson will talk about the economy specifically. Will you be there too?
  M: Yes, so I will see you next Thursday.
  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  19. What had the man thought about Chicago before he attended the seminar?
  20. What do we learn from the conversation about Chicago?
  21. What do we learn about the Great Chicago Fire from the conversation?
  22. What will the two speakers do next week?
  解析:根据对话,男士和女士下周还要参加Mr. Johnsons的讲座,讲座的内容是“芝加哥的经济”。所以选B。从选项预测,题目是问对话的双方将要做什么事情。最后一题,往往处在对话双方的最后一个话轮。
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查看完整版本: 2017年6月英语六级听力真题预测329