Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner are both going to have prominent roles in her father’s administration. As such, it was up to them to find a good place in Washington DC to raise their budding family…伊万卡•特朗普及其丈夫贾瑞德•库什纳,将在其父亲特朗普政府被委以重任。鉴于此,他们在华盛顿特区找一处吉宅来安置供养家人。
They purchased a house in the very exclusive Kalorama section of DC for $5.5 million in December. This beautiful new mansion will be the place the Trump-Kushner’s come home to after a hard day and just wait till you see inside.去年12月,他们掷重金550万美金在华盛顿克洛拉玛地区购置一处房产。这座新建的府邸外观和实用兼美,在繁忙的一天工作以后夫妇俩的好去处,好好带你们看看其中玄妙
1. The house itself is a colonial style home that was once owned by Dan K. Rapoport and his wife Irina, a Latvian-born financier with extensive investments in Russia. The house’s exterior is indicative of the usual East Coast-style homes one sees along the Eastern Seaboard.房屋的整个是殖民时期的风格,前一任主人是丹•拉波波特及其夫人伊琳娜拉脱维亚出生的资本家,在俄罗斯有许多投资。房子的外部是典型的东海岸风格,就是一度常见于东海岸的建筑风格。
2.The entrance 进门处
The elegant front door of the beautifully appointed manor house is lined with mirrors so that the First Daughter can put the final touches on her hair and makeup before she steps out for the evening or hosts a dinner with Washington’s who’s who.主宅的优雅门廊装饰有镜子,这样“第一女儿”就可以在临近出门前整理衣冠和容装一边宴请或者接受华盛顿达官显贵的邀约。
3.Foyer 门厅
The mirrored wall on the right side of the foyer leads to the living room. Across from the door is the dining room, which greets guests as they come in. The beautiful dark wooden floors can be found all throughout the ground floor house, giving it a sort of rustic feel.一面镜墙在门厅的右侧一直延伸到卧室。门对面是餐厅,可以在客人进门的时候来招呼他们。房子的整个地面铺着漂亮的深色地板,给人一种朴素自然的感觉。
4.Dining Room 餐厅
The elegant dining room, complete with gleaming, modern furniture set upon a very old-world style area rug will likely be the meeting place for many a Trump business partner or political ally.优雅的餐厅,装饰着亮丽的现代家具,地上还铺有一块老派的毯子,非常适合商业伙伴或是政治盟友的会见。
5.Living Room 客厅
The plush living room stands out a bit from the rest of the house. The furniture seems to be in a fairly modern style but feels almost dated. Ivanka will no doubt alter the room to more accurately suit her own tastes.奢华的客厅和房子整个风格有些出入。家具看似现代风格但还是感觉有些老套。伊万卡肯定会按照自己的喜好来重新布置。
6. French Doors 法式门
The French doors of this bright and very open sun room give the place a sense of openness.这些法式门让家里更明亮,太阳光使整个房间有明亮通透的感觉。
7. The family room 家庭室
The family room is the perfect place for the Trump-Kushner’s to spend time with their three young children. But Ivanka will most certainly need a TV in this room so the kids can watch some cartoons.这个房间最合适两夫妇和三个孩子一起共度美好时光。但是伊万卡应该会需要一个电视机这样三个孩子就能一起看卡通了。
8.Second Floor Kitchen 二楼厨房
This unique, glass-lined stairway leads up to the very modern and very clean second-floor kitchen. The large island and breakfast nook near the window are the perfect thing for a full five-person family.独特的玻璃楼梯通往二楼非常干净现代的厨房,占地面积很大,早餐区域就在床边,适合五人的家庭用餐。
9.open kitchen 开放式厨房
Along with the glass banisters, the kitchen has a very open feel. The stairway being so open allows the family to see downstairs through the glass and the shape of the room is perfect for the watchful mother who wants to cook and keep an eye on her children playing in the family room in the corner.沿着玻璃楼梯,厨房更给人开放式的感觉。透明的楼梯可以看到楼下的情况以及整个房间的布局。对于一边做饭一边要看着孩子的主妇来说实在心仪。
10. Unique Staircases独具风格的楼梯
The second staircase, which leads up to the bedrooms on the third floor, is lined with the same clear, glass banisters as those that surround the kitchen.在二楼通往三楼主卧的楼梯,和通往厨房的楼梯是一样的通透、玻璃扶手。
11.master bedroom主卧
Obviously, this master bedroom is much more handsomely appointed for a man than a woman, but you can’t beat such a big space. Especially not when it has it’s own balcony and fireplace.这个主卧一看就是男性的主卧,但是你还是会喜欢它的充足空间。值得一提的是,它还有自己的阳台和壁炉。
12. Master Bathroom主卫
This master bathroom is the perfect end-of-the-day hideaway for a busy businesswoman and her equally busy politician husband.这间主卧对于忙碌一天的职业女性和同样忙碌的政客丈夫,来提供最佳的放松。
13. Colorful Bedroom多彩卧室
This guest bedroom will no doubt make the perfect room for Arabella, Joseph, or Theodore, one of the couple’s three children.这间客房毫无疑问会被用作伊万卡夫妇三个孩子要么阿拉贝拉,要么约瑟夫,或西奥多的卧室。
14. Home Office?家庭工作室?
This bust-filled office was likely used as a home office of sorts for the house’s former owner. We can only guess what Ivanka will be using this space for. Perhaps as a library or a small home office for herself.这个放满物品的工作室像是之前的主人在家办公用的。我们猜想伊万卡会把这个地方用作一个图书室,或者是她自用的一个办公室。
15. Small Kitchen小厨房
A small kitchenette on the ground floor allows the family to grab a quick snack without having to head all the way upstairs.小厨房在一楼,供家庭成员吃零食或者吃快餐,而不需要再跑到楼上取用。
16. Basement Room地下室
This basement room could serve as a perfect play room for the three Kushner kids. It could also be turned into a man-cave for Jared to retreat to after a busy week at the white house.这个地下室可以成为库什纳三个孩子的游戏室。同样它也可以作为一个人造山洞,在结束白宫繁忙的一周供贾纳德来进行休憩的场所。
17. The Patio露台
Once the warm weather hits, this patio is going to be just that, a hit. It’s the perfect spot to have a nice garden party or simply sit outside to sunbathe and read. 一旦天气转暖,就需要这样一个露台,它是花园聚会的绝佳地点,或者哪怕就坐在外面进行日光浴和悦读也不错。
18. High Hedges高围栏
Speaking of greenery, a high-profile family like the Trump-Kushner’s might need to let these hedges grow a bit before moving in. With a family as famous as theirs, they’re going to need some pretty high, privacy hedges to shield them from the prying eyes of the paparazzi. 对于初出茅庐,而且比较高调的特朗普女儿一家,最好在搬进来以前等这些用作围栏的绿植再长高一点。像他们这么出名,需要这些屏障来保护隐私以免受到狗仔队的偷窥。
19. Large Yard大院子
The kids will be happy that their new home now comes with a big grassy backyard, perfect for rolling or running around in.孩子们肯定很喜欢他们的新家,后院草坪覆盖,最适合在上面翻滚跑步。
20. Great Veranda大阳台
The second-floor balcony outside of the master bedroom overlooks the whole neighborhood. In fact, the Obamas have moved into this area of DC as well. I wonder if they’ll bring Ivanka and Jared a jello mold when they finally move in.二层阳台在主卧的外面,可以俯瞰整个区景。事实上奥巴马一家也住在华盛顿的这个地区。我想伊万卡乔迁之喜的时候,奥巴马一家会不会送他们夫妇一套果冻模具。