英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-10 16:06:15


  [评分标准] 概括的准确性、语言的规范性、内容的合适性以及篇章的连贯性。
  如果是说明性或叙述性阅读材料,你要有一个“心理预期”或猜测, 即猜测阅读之后下面会让你写什么。这种心理准备很重要,不要“为阅读而阅读”。
  第一、 把握阅读材料的结构、思路、观点与意图。
  (1)Almost every student has days when they don't feel like going to school. (2)It is not unusual for some of them sometimes to pretend to be feeling ill and get their poor parents fooled , who may call the school, asking their kids to be allowed to stay at home for a day or two, but sometimes these students make plans to meet up with friends or go somewhere alone for the day. (3)Still some other students make a show of going to school as usual, or their parents think they do. (4)Then when they are alone on the way they go off to some other places by himself or with a friend. (5)Schools call this truancy.(6) Kids call it ‘wagging school', ‘skiving off', and all sorts of other names. (7)What do you call it where you live? (8)No matter what you may call it, most students never do it and a lot of schools nowadays have very strict rules to stop truancy in order to keep kids safe and help them to make the most of their chance to learn at school.
  可以看出阅读材料反映的是逃学这一现象,但是并没有明显的观点。(1)是说明厌学情绪的普遍性“almost every student”,(2)—(4)是逃学现象的具体表现,(5)—(6)指出这一现象学校与学生各有其叫法,(7)—(8)则是要你引起注意,同时表明校方的态度。
  (1)Let children learn to their own work. (2)A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time; if corrected too much, he will stop talking. (3)He notices a thousand times a day the difference between his language and others’ language. (4)Bit by bit, he makes the right changes to make his language like other people’s. (5)In the same way, children learn to do all the other things. (6)They learn to talk, run, climb, ride a bicycle by comparing their own behaviors with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes. (7)But in school teachers never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes for himself, even fewer chances for him to correct himself. (8)They do it all for him. (9)Teachers act as if the student would never notice a mistake if they did not point out it to him. (10)They act as if the student would never correct it unless he was made to. (11)Soon he becomes dependent on the teacher. (12)Let the student do it himself.(13)Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word means and what the answer is to that problem.
  1论点: (1)
  2论据: 1)正面论据: a. (2)—(4) b. (5)—(6)
  2) 反面论据:(8)—(11)

entwo 发表于 2016-7-10 16:45:51

  如果给定的阅读材料是一则故事,应该用最简练的语言来说明故事讲述了什么,不能拖泥带水讲细节,而且最好讲出故事给你的启示或其中的一个道理。比如说,This story tells how a teacher’s word of saved a shy and unconfident child and helped him find himself and hold on to his dreams. It tells us that teachers’ words can make difference to a child’s life.
  如果是说明性或描述性短文,如上面本人所给的设计范文,你就必须用概括性的文字说明逃学这一现象。比如,可以概括如下This article point out the common phenomenon —— playing truancy ---- among students. It also gives us a picture of the forms truancy takes. Finally, it tells the attitude on the part of the schools.
  还是以 2007年广东省高考英语试题改革方案样题为例:
  概括对方观点首先是要转换视角,即以“第三人称”或“无人称”来概括。本材料的观点是(1)Let children learn to judge their own work.. 如果换成第三人称就是 The writer of this article thinks that children should learn to judge their own work /correct their own mistakes. 或者你认为本材料的观点代表了一些人的思想,就可以说 Some people think students’ mistakes should be corrected by themselves and it is wrong for the teachers to do it for them too often in school. It will make the children dependent on the teachers. 还可以从中立的角度或用“无人称”的方式来说The article gives the view that teachers should stop correcting students’ mistakes for them. Students are able to correct their own mistakes and teachers’ frequent correction will make children unable to judge their own work.
  阅读材料的观点是Let children learn to judge their own work,
  可以概括为 Some people think that teachers should not correct students’ mistakes for them.
  其正面论据为(2)A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time; if corrected too much, he will stop talking. (3)He notices a thousand times a day the difference between his language and others’ language.(4)Bit by bit, he makes the right changes to make his language like other people’s. (5)In the same way, children learn to do all the other things. (6)They learn to talk, run, climb, ride a bicycle by comparing their own behaviors with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes.
  可以概括为Children learn by comparing his behaviors, including language, with those of more skilled people.
  阅读材料的反面论据是(7)But in school teachers never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes for himself, even fewer chances for him to correct himself. (8)They do it all for him. (9)Teachers act as if the student would never notice a mistake if they did not point out it to him. (10)They act as if the student would never correct it unless he was made to. (11)Soon he becomes dependent on the teacher.
  可以概括为Teachers’frequent correction of students’ mistakes makes students unable to judge their own work.
  阅读材料的结论为(12)Let the student do it himself(13)Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word means and what the answer is to that problem.
  可以概括为 So those people encourage students to learn by correcting their own mistakes instead of having their mistakes corrected by their teachers.
  (1)Some people think that teachers should not correct students’ mistakes for them. (2)Children learn by comparing their behaviors, including their speech, with more skilled people. (3) Teachers’ frequent correction of students’ mistakes dependent students. (4) So children should learn by correcting their own mistakes and helping each other instead of having their mistakes corrected by their teachers.(55 words)
  这一部分同学们应该有较大的自由空间。如果是就某一现象要你表态,理想的设计是先问这种现象是否在你的身边或身上发生过,当初为什么你要那样做,当初有何感想,现在反思又有何体会。比如说写作内容会问你/你的朋友是否有逃学的经历,简单叙述一下经历,说说当初的动机、事情的结果,谈谈现在的感受与态度。这样的结合经历讲问题应该不难,因为同学们每个人都有话可说。 试以“逃学( play truancy)”为例说明如何在“写作内容”的引导下完成写作过程:
  引导1:你有过逃学么?你可以说I must say that sometimes I cut school.注意,这里不是不是提出观点,而是承认一种事实。
  引导2:然后简要讲述一次逃学的经历Only last Friday, I missed two English classes on purpose and got home. As my parents are at their work places at noon, I enjoyed myself watching TV.
  引导3:当时的感受?It felt really cool to think that I was alone having a free time while the other poor children were learning the boring English.
  引导4:逃学的原因?Why play truancy? School work sometimes is really too much and you want to get it off your mind.
  引导5:有何担忧?Of course, I’m afraid when teachers and my parents find out, I will be in trouble.
  引导6:有何反思? Maybe I should kick off this habit soon.
  这一部分整合如下:I must admit that I do cut school once in a while.Only last Friday, I cut two English classes and went home without telling anyone. With my parents away, I enjoyed myself watching TV. It felt really cool having a free time alone while the other poor children were attending the boring English classes. Why truancy? School work is really too much and you want to get it off your mind. Besides, that English teacher of ours is really too hard on us and hardly any of us likes his class. Of course, when my teachers and parents find out, I’ll be in trouble. I’m worried about my school work, too. Maybe I should kick off this habit soon.(121words)
  Why Cut School?
  This article points out a common phenomenon —— playing truancy —— among students. It also gives us a picture of the forms truancy takes. Finally, it tells the attitude on the part of the schools. (33words)
  I must admit that I do cut school once in a while.Only last Friday, I cut two English classes and went home without telling anyone. With my parents away, I enjoyed myself watching TV. It felt really cool having a free time alone while the other poor children were attending the boring English classes. Why truancy? School work is really too much and you want to get it off your mind. Besides, that English teacher of ours is really too hard on us and hardly any one of us likes his class. Of course, when my teachers and parents find out, I’ll be in trouble. And I’m worried about my school work. Maybe I should kick off this habit soon.(121words)
  其一、如果你的观点与阅读材料的观点完全一致。你应该表态 ,如I cannot agree with the author more.或者 I share this opinion 或者This is just what I want to say 或者I think the author is completely right in saying that等等。
  其二、如果你不完全统一阅读材料的观点,你可以说 This opinion is only partly right. 或者There is truth in this opinion but I think …或者While it is right to say that … it is wrong to say that … 或者 The author is right in saying that … but he is wrong in saying that …或者 To be fair, the author is right in that … but he just goes too far in saying that … 等等。
  其三、如果你完全不同意阅读材料的观点,就说 I cannot disagree with the author more here.或者 This is the last opinion that I want to accept.或者This idea is just unacceptable.或者 This idea is too ridiculous. 或者Have you ever heard a more unacceptable idea? 或者I bet you will never buy this idea.或者 I doubt anyone will listen to such an unrealistic idea.等等。
  针对阅读材料的观点Let children learn to judge their own work 你可以说 This idea sounds right but is actually unpractical.或者 Reasonable as this idea may sound, it is unrealistic.或者 There is truth in this idea but it is wrong. 或者 For the little truth in it, the idea is actually ridiculous.
  仔细阅读可以看出,所给短文貌似论证很严密,其论据之间实际存在着明显的不一致性。我们知道,儿童学习说话、跑步、攀爬、骑自行车与其在学校接受正规教育相去甚远,缺乏可比性。前者可以通过学习者的观察、对比与模仿等简单直接行为完成,而后者是在老师的指导下进行的,由于其复杂性、系统性与间接性,往往需要教师反复指出学生的错误。论据的不一致正是反驳或否定所给材料观点的最佳突破口。据此,我们可用(5)This opinion sounds right but is hardly practical或者The idea, though it may touch you, is unrealistic对其观点加以否定。另外,这句话使上下段落自然过渡,一气呵成,体现了篇章衔接的技巧。
  仅否定对方的观点不等于提出了自己的正确观点。紧接着,要针锋相对地提出自己的观点:Students’ mistakes should be corrected by their teachers.
  并以此为全文的标题。同学们应给出第二部分的主题句:(6)In real school learning situations, especially in learning a foreign language like English, without teachers’ correction all the way, beginners will repeat their mistakes without realizing it.
  按“写作内容”要求,论证部分至少要包括a)b)c)d)四个内容要点(见题)。之所以要以英语学习为例,目的是要用亲身经历的事实证明自己的观点是正确的,而且主要是为了让所有的同学都有话可说。同学们知道,对于自己的语言错误学生们自然是想自己能意识到并自己纠正了,而实际上他们是在不知不觉中犯错误,而且是屡犯难改,无能为力。教师自然希望、提倡学生自己找出错误并自己纠正。但实际上,没有教师的指正,学生往往连自己的错误都注意不到,所以对于学生的语言错误,教师一般都是有错必纠,而学生的成绩会因为教师经常纠正错误而迅速提高。这样,绝大多数学生自然是希望老师尽量指正自己的错误了。 试把第二部分的思路勾勒如下:
  观点:.This opinion sounds right but is hardly practical. In real school learning situations, especially in learning a foreign language like English, without teachers’ correction all the way, beginners will repeat their mistakes without realizing it.
  论证:(7)“我”在学习英语的过程中经常出现的错误论证: I, for example, liked to use words (that are) too formal for a student’s composition.(8)“我”对自身错误的认识或“无知” I never realized it.(9)老师是如何对待“我”的错误的My teachers repeatedly replaced the big words in my writing with simple ones.
  结论:(10)-(11)“我”如何看待老师的做法? I’m thankful to my teachers. 理由?事实已经说明问题I’m able to write in simple and natural English.
  重申观点(11) So teachers should be encouraged to correct their students’ mistakes as soon as possible.
  (5)This opinion sounds right but is hardly practical. (6)In real school learning situations, especially in learning a foreign language like English, without teachers’ correction all the way, beginners will repeat their mistakes without realizing it. (7)I, for example, liked to use words (that are) too formal for a student’s composition. (8)But I never realized it until my teachers repeatedly
  replaced them with simple words. (9)Now, I can write naturally in simple English. (10)So teachers should be encouraged to correct their students’ mistakes as soon as possible.

enfive 发表于 2016-7-10 17:13:24

  至此两部分的写作均已完成。还有一个问题,整个短文应该有一个题目以便总领全文。前文已经提到可以用Students’Mistakes Should Be Corrected by Their Teachers作为全文的题目。一、二部分合并后即得到完整的一篇短文:
  Students’ Mistakes Should Be Corrected by Their Teachers
  (1)Some people think that teachers should not correct students’ mistakes for them. (2)Children learn by comparing their behaviors, including their speech, with more skilled people. (3) Teachers’ frequent correction of students’ mistakes students dependent. (4) So children should learn by correcting their own mistakes and helping each other instead of having their mistakes corrected by their teachers.(55 words)
  (5)This opinion sounds right but is hardly practical. (6)In real school learning situations, especially in learning a foreign language like English, without teachers’ correction all the way, beginners will repeat their mistakes without realizing it. (7)I, for example, liked to use words too formal for a student’s composition. (8)But I never realized it until my teachers repeatedly replaced them with simple words. (9) Thanks to them, I can write in simple and beautiful English. (10)So teachers should be encouraged to correct their students’ mistakes as soon as possible.(87words)
  Let Teachers Correct Our Mistakes
  Some people think that teachers are correcting students’ mistakes too much. Students, leaning everything by copying their betters, can correct their own mistakes and teachers’ frequent correction will make children unable to judge their own work.(35words)
  This opinion appeals to many people, but in fact it is unrealistic. In real learning situations, especially when learning a foreign language like English, it is really hard, if not impossible, for the student to make good progress without teachers constantly pointing out and correcting their mistakes. Learning English is much more complex and difficult than learning other things. I used to use words really too formal for a student’s writing. But I never realized it until my English teacher pointed out my problem and repeatedly replaced these words with simple ones. I owe thanks to him as I’m able to write in simple and beautiful English. So teachers should be encouraged to correct student’s mistakes as readily as possible.(120words)
  Friends teach us some of life’s most important lessons. They search with us for life’s meaning. They help us to have faith. By their example, they teach us about truth and honesty, about living, about confidence and favors. They sense when we’re lonely and need acceptance.
  Friends make us feel at home. We know where we stand with them and where they stand with us. They let us be ourselves and love us even when we are not the most lovable.
  Friends don’t abandon us when the going gets tough. They are there with us wherever we are, whenever we need them. They have time for us. They don’t forget us, and we don’t forget them. They give us the opportunity to find out more about ourselves, so we’ll know what to try to change and what to accept. Friends validate us.
  Friends are not afraid to take a chance on us, to defend us, to take a stand for us. They are not embarrassed to tell us how much our friendship means to them; they do not care how silly they may sound when they share these feelings with us.
  Friends are like special gifts to us that we never discard or outgrow. No one can ever take their place. They are always welcome in the rooms of our heart. Theirs are the memories that never fade.
  Friends are special… so very, very special. Thank you for being a special friend to me.
  1) 概括短文的内容要点,该部分的字数大约60-80;
  2) 就“学生网上交友”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点,该部分的字数大约60-80;
  a) 以自己为例,简述你在网上交友出现的情况;
  b) 你是如何看待网上交友;
  c) 你的同学又如何对待网上交友;
  d) 你对同学的做法持什么看法?
  Friends teach us some of life’s most important lessons. Friends make us feel at home. Friends don’t abandon us when the going gets tough. They are there with us wherever we are, whenever we need them. Friends are not afraid to take a chance on us, to defend us, to take a stand for us. Friends are like special gifts to us that we never discard or outgrow. No one can ever take their place.
  Nowadays, many students make friends on line. I think, as well as most of our classmates, the internet helps make many friends. Chatting on line, students can more freely express their feelings and opinions, and even get help with their foreign language studies. However, making friends on line is a waste of time to me, which should be spent more meaningfully on study. Besides, some students get cheated on line like some of our friends.
  It is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other things .As for friendship, we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us.
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