英语自学网 发表于 2017-4-24 14:44:01


        I have always believed that reading books can expand the mind, touch the heart, and enrich the soul. 我一直秉持着读书能够开阔视野、直抵内心、丰满灵魂这一观点。
        They can also cause your imagination to do some funny things at times. 在书中有些描写有趣的事情还会激发你的想象力。
        I can remember several years ago reading a book where the hero went through several tragedies and at one point in the midst of his pain and torment cried out: “Where is Love?”. 犹记得多年前读过的一本书中,里面的英雄几度经历悲苦,在饱受折磨和痛苦中,一次他不禁呐喊:“哪里有爱?”
        At that moment in my imagination I leapt into the story, grabbed him by the arm and told him: “It’s everywhere! It’s everywhere!”看到此处,我仿佛也纵身如故事中,抓着他的手臂,对他说,“到处都是!无处不在!”
        Love is everywhere. You just have to open your heart to see it. 爱一直都在,只要你用心感受。
        For me it is there every time I watch the dawn break upon a new day. 对我来说爱在,黎明破晓新一天。
        It is there every time a brisk winter breeze blows across my face. It is there in the first flower of Spring. It is there in the green grass of Summer. It is there in the last leaf of Fall. 爱在冬日冷风迎面,春日初花绽放,夏日绿草如茵,秋日孤叶凋零。
        It is there every time my handicapped sons give me a hug. It is there every time my daughter laughs at one of my dumb jokes. It is there in the adoring eyes of my old beagle and my new puppy. It is there in the purring cat that naps on my chest. 对我来说,爱在身患残疾的儿子们给我的每一个拥抱里,在女儿对我的冷笑话给予的微笑里,爱在我的老猎犬和新宠物狗崇拜的目光中,在我胸前小憩喵咪的呼噜声中。
        It is there in the smile of the clerk behind the counter. It is there in the old man who opens a door for me. 爱在柜台后面服务员微笑,老人为我开门。
        It is there when I read a letter from a friend. It is there every time I pray. 爱在阅读友人来信,在我的每次祷告。
        It is there in everything I write and every act of kindness I do.爱在我的字里行间,爱在我的一言一行。
        The Bible tells us that “God is Love.” 圣经中说,上帝仁爱。
        And since God is without beginning or end then so is love. It fills all of His creation. It fills us as well every time we open our hearts and souls to it. 上帝不生不灭是因为爱,他把爱倾注在造物中,而我们每次敞开心扉和灵魂的时候都能感受到这种爱。
        Don’t shut out love then. Don’t live your life in pain. 爱不只是口头表达,不要生活在痛苦中。
        Open your heart instead. Share your love instead. 不要紧闭心门,来吧,分享你的爱。
        You will find that the more love you give away, the more love you will have. 你会发现给予更多,就会得到更多。
        You will find that the more love you share, the more God’s love will surround you. 施与很多爱,上帝的恩宠也会与你形影不离。
        You will find that when you live your life in love, you will find love everywhere.当你的生活沐浴在爱之中,爱就无处不在。
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查看完整版本: 有声双语美文:爱在哪里?爱在一切细节里