And for Syfy's next trick... the network will make a third season of The Magicians appear!Syfy电视台宣布,续订《魔法师》第三季!
The supernatural drama has been for Season 3, the network announced Tuesday. The news comes before the Season 2 finale, which is set to air Wednesday, April 19. The underrated show's most impressive trick is that its ratings have actually increased slightly in Season 2 from its Season 1 numbers.Syfy电视台周二宣布续订这部魔幻剧第三季,目前第二季还未结束,第二季将会在北京时间4月20日结束。这部剧的收视也是相当的有魔法,第二季比第一季收视要高。
Dubbed "a Harry Potter for grownups" by some, The Magicians is based on the Lev Grossman novels of the same name and is about a secret school for upstart magicians.这部号称成年版哈利波特的美剧,讲述的也是一所秘密魔法学校里的故事,根据Lev Grossman同名小说改编。