英语自学网 发表于 2017-4-18 15:24:08


  A. To prove women's diligence.
  B. To seek gender equality on campus.
  C. To improve transportation and accommodation.
  D. To put pressure on male students.
  A. To give an example of inequality.
  B. To show the positive side of equality.
  C. To show an example of the role model.
  D. To emphasize that women are superior to men.
  A. He was surely under huge pressure.
  B. The cafe was not one of his greatest achievements.
  C. He did almost nothing significant.
  D. He was the greatest leader of the students' union.
  M: Why do you think that way?
  W: While I admit there is very little discrimination here on campus towards orientation, appearance and nationality, women are not treated equally. Women are not represented in many faculties. They also hold fewer senior faculty positions, are not represented well in administration and, do you know, not once has there been a female president of the student union.
  M: You are running for president of the student union on the issue of equality, but you are not going to be a winner, I suppose. Most students feel women have equality nowadays.
  W: Not the students I have talked to, particularly the women. My brother is a lawyer and he says the women in his firm have to work much harder than the men if they want to become a partner in the firm.
  M: So you are going to champion women's rights for the election.
  W: Yes, my campaign will focus on that but I will not ignore other issues such as transportation, cafeterias and so on. I have been a student here for 4 years and am aware of all the issues. If I can make this campus a better place for all students, then as a woman, I would be setting an excellent role model. And, I am sure I can do a better job than Jerry did this year.
  M: What did Jerry accomplish this year?
  W: Next to nothing. He put pressure on the cafeterias to be a little more environmentally friendly but that is all about it.
  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you just heard.
  19. What is the main reason for the woman's running for president of the students' union?
  解析:对话中多处提到“男女不平等”信息,且女士明确说明自己竞选的主题将围绕(focus on)女权问题,故B正确。选项中的gender指性别,to seek gender equality是原文to champion women's rights的同义表达,其他选项的表述与对话的主题毫不相干,只是利用对话中的个别单词进行原词干扰。
  20. Why does the woman mention her brother?
  21. What does the woman think of Jerry?
  解析:女士最后一句话说明她对前任学生会主席不为以然,其中next to nothing意为“差不多没有”,故C正确。
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