British Council 播客—— developing creativity 开发创造性
Presenter: Art & Business is an organisation that develops creative partnerships between business and the arts. Peter Jones is going to talk about the company’s ideas and tell us about some of their success stories.
Peter, maybe you could begin by telling our listeners why Art & Business was created?
主持:Art & Business是一家专门致力于帮助商业领域和艺术领域建立创造性伙伴关系的公司。Peter Jones将为我们介绍公司的理念和成功经验。Peter,首先请跟我们的听众说说为什么会创立Art & Business公司。
Peter Jones: Well, in the twenty-first century productivity is no longer a matter of machines. The success of a company depends on its people and on the creativity of its people. It makes sense that the way to increase productivity is to stimulate creativity.
Peter Jones:进入21世纪,生产不再依靠机械来统领。一个公司成功的关键在于人才,在于员工的创造力。所以,发展生产力必须激发创造力,这种结论不无道理。
Presenter: And what better way to stimulate creativity than through reading books.
Peter Jones: Exactly. Every reader knows that a good book can stimulate the imagination and the intellect, get you thinking along lines you might not have thought of before, open up new worlds.
Peter Jones:非常正确。读者们都知道,一本好书能够开发想象力和智力,让人如柳暗花明、开拓思路,视野更宽广。
Presenter: So, have you had any help in setting up the project?
Peter Jones: Yes. The London Libraries Agency and an organisation called The Reading Partnership work with us on this project. We are trying to use the power of the written word to motivate staff in the workplace. In a recent survey seven hundred business leaders were asked which book had inspired them and had a positive influence on their career. They were able to choose any kind of book, any kind at all. Only about 40% chose a business book. Most people chose a work of fiction; a novel, a play or even poetry.
Peter Jones:有。伦敦图书局跟一个叫“阅读伙伴”的组织跟我们一起合作。
Presenter: How can reading help somebody to become a more creative worker?
Peter Jones: Successful managers need to be well-rounded people. They need active imaginations. When they interpret fictional scenarios, they are using their creativity. Readers combine imaginative skills with critical and analytical skills.
Peter Jones:一个优秀的经理必须是多才多艺的,他们需要有丰富的想象力。当他们在介绍虚拟的案例时,就要发挥自己的创造力。阅读能够协调人的想像力和问题分析能力。
Presenter: Are we talking about the right and left sides of the brain?
Peter Jones: Yes. Our logical left side of the brain interprets the language of a book. The creative right side looks at the forms of expression. The left side analyses the plot while the right side is more interested in the relationships between characters – the emotional aspects.
Peter Jones:是的,主导逻辑性的左脑诠释书里的字面意义,右脑创造能力则关注表达方式。左脑分析情节,右脑则更关心人物之间复杂的关系,即情感因素。
Presenter: How does this transfer to the world of business?
Peter Jones: Creative ideas make businesses more competitive. Shared reading experiences improve communication and morale at work.
Peter Jones:创新的点子让工作更出众。共享阅读体验可以改善交流,提高士气。
Presenter: Can you give listeners some examples of how this scheme has been brought successfully into the workplace?
Peter Jones: Employees at WH Smith have stuck poems and quotations above their desks for inspiration.
Peter Jones:比如WH Smith的员工为寻求灵感,在办公桌上贴满了诗词语录。
Presenter: Well, WH Smith deals in books. What about other examples?
主持:看来WH Smith的员工看了不少书。还有其他例子吗?
Peter Jones: The telecommunications company Orange set up a project called “Talk Books at Work”. They discovered that encouraging employees to read helped them to develop their linguistic and interpersonal skills. Marks and Spencer has set up reading groups at work. The groups cut across the usual hierarchies and working relationships have improved greatly.
Peter Jones:Orange电信公司设立了一个项目叫做“工作时聊聊书”。他们发现,通过鼓励员工看书,能够帮助提高员工的语言和沟通能力。英国Marks and Spencer公司设立了办公室阅读小组,成员间打破了平时的上下级关系格局,员工之间相处也更加融洽。