CRRC MA, the Massachusetts unit of Beijing-based China Railway Rolling Stock Corp., is busy hiring and training scores of US workers. 总部位于北京的中国中车股份有限公司马萨诸塞州子公司(CRRC MA)正忙着雇佣并培训大批美国工人。
It is opening a large plant, bringing in foreign-savvy Chinese execs and pumping cash into local businesses and charities. 该公司正在建造一个大工厂,引入了解外国情况的中国管理人员,并向当地企业和慈善机构注入了资金。
The Boston project follows the parent company’s successful bids to win a brace of lucrative subway supply contracts from major American cities.随着母公司成功中标波士顿项目,中国中车麻省子公司从美国主要城市赢得了两个利润丰厚的地铁供应合同。
The CRRC subsidiary has won a total of US$843 million in contracts since 2014 to manufacture subway cars for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), Boston’s mass transit system. A total of 404 cars will be built. 自2014年起,中国中车子公司已从马萨诸塞州海湾交通管理局、波士顿公共客运系统管理局获得了总计达8.43亿美元的地铁列车生产合同,并将制造共达404辆地铁列车。
It’s currently constructing a 204,000 square-foot rail car manufacturing center in East Springfield, Mass. to locally assemble the vehicles. Production is slated to begin next year.目前,该公司正在麻省斯普林菲尔德东部地区建造一个20.4万平方英尺的地铁列车生产中心,以便在当地装配列车,并计划于明年投产。
CRRC was also focused on recruiting the right locals for the project. 中国中车公司也在集中为这个项目招募合适的本地人。
CRRC MA also dispatched 30 local workers, including union members, on April 7 to the company’s facility in Changchun, China, for training in assembling the railcars and technology transfer activities. 4月7日,中国中车麻省子公司还派遣了包括工会成员在内的30名当地工作人员到公司位于中国长春的生产基地,参与轨道车装配培训以及技术转让活动。
The team includes mechanical and electrical assembly workers, line supervisors, manufacturing engineers and test technicians.这个团队中有机电装配工人、生产线主管、制造工程师以及测试技术员。
Only subway car shells are being shipped in from China. The rest of the hardware and technology will be installed by US workers, who will be paid at least US$66,000 annually.只有地铁列车的外壳是从中国运往美国的。其余的设备和工艺将由美国工人来安装,而这些工人的年收入至少可达6.6万美元。
CRRC’s experiences reflect the realities of building mass transit in the US today.中国中车公司的经历反映了如今美国公共交通建设的真实情况。
Large US cities can’t afford the huge cost overruns often associated with building mass transit projects like subways. Most are keen on saving money and analysts say one of CRRC’s strengths is its ability to underbid competitors in supplying quality rolling stock.美国大型城市负担不起超出限度的巨额成本,而这往往与地铁这样的公共交通建设项目有关。多数城市热衷于节约资金,而且分析师表示,中国中车公司的优势之一就是能够以低于竞争者的出价供应高质量的轨道车辆。
This was the case when CRRC beat Bombardier, its nearest rival, in the subway-car bidding wars in Boston and Chicago.中国中车公司在波士顿和芝加哥地铁列车竞标战中击败其旗鼓相当的对手庞巴迪就是这样的情况。