Do you know that you are a brand that needs some investment? Sure enough, most of us associate the term ‘branding’ with the corporate world, overlooking the potential it has to change our individual lives. There is more to branding than just companies selling products. Every human being is a brand in themselves.你知道吗?其实你本人就是一个需要投资的品牌。真的,许多人会把“品牌推广”这个概念联系到商业社会,却忽视了它能够真实改变我们每个人的生活。品牌推广不局限于公司销售产品的范围。每个独立的个人,本身就是一个品牌。
The personal brand experience is your opportunity to learn more about yourself so you can identify your unique skills, strengths, and talents.个人品牌推广的过程可以让你更了解自己,以此辨别自己独特的技能、长处和才能。
The digital footprint is a very important contribution to a personal brand. Digital footprint is what you do online. If you or someone comments or posts about you online, it will become your digital footprint. An AVG study suggests that children under the age of 2 already have a digital footprint. In the increasingly digital world of today, the question is no longer if you should have a personal brand, but if you cultivate and nurture it to build something meaningful.对于个人品牌推广来说,数字足迹起着举足轻重的作用。数字足迹就是你在网络上的活动印记。如果你本人或别人在网络上发布了与你相关的评论或帖子,那么这就成为了你的数字足迹。有一个研究发现,2岁以下的孩子已普遍拥有自己的数字足迹了。在当今日益发展的电子世界,问题已经不再拘泥于是否拥有个人品牌了,而是你能否经营并把它发展成为更有意义的内容了。
If you want to establish a personal brand, here are a few things you need to do:如果你也想要建立自己的个人品牌,那么可以参考下面这些注意事项:
1. Think of yourself as a brand1. 要有个人品牌的意识
Point out the topics that interest you and can grow into passions. Once you realize the field in which you can be an expert, you will find yourself paying more attention to it.找出自己感兴趣并能变成个人热爱的题材。当你挖掘出自己最擅长的领域,那么你就会越来越投入其中。
Pro tip - do not try to become someone you are not. Be true to yourself. Only then, can you grow and develop a strategy to reach out and help people with your knowledge.小提示——不要试图成为一个不符合个人气质的人。真诚对待自己。只有这样,你才可以培养和发展出一套方法,利用自己的知识去联系和帮助他人。
2. Speak to people2. 在他人面前发表演讲
If you wish to build your brand, seek opportunities to speak at places where you can offer your expertise. You can record your own webinars as well. You should be speaking on a regular basis. It will develop your communication skills, teach you how to interact with an audience and make you more confident about what you aspire to do. Getting tips from influential speakers is good, but don’t imitate anyone.如果你想要建立个人品牌,那么就要寻找机会和合适的平台去展示自己的专业才能。你也可把它录制成网络研讨会视频。你有必要定期发布演讲。这样做可以增进你的沟通技巧,学会如何与观众互动,让你在自己追求的事情上表现得更自信。你可以向一些有影响力的演说家学习,但不要刻意模仿任何人。
It is inevitable that some people will criticize you and your judgement. Take any criticism cautiously but don’t get disheartened. You should have a story that can connect you with people.在这个过程中,你和你的观点不可避免地会受到他人的批评。慎重地对待每一个批评,但不要感到气馁。你想要表达的故事应该是让听众产生共鸣的。
3. Buy your own domain3. 购买个人域名
Buying your own dot com is not just a necessity for your personal brand, it can also put your name on top of the search engines. Your own domain is like online real estate. If you want to have a say, you need to have a place on the internet.购买个人专属网络域名对于个人品牌推广是很有必要的,而且还能把你的名字出现到搜索引擎的前列。你的个人域名就是在线的不动产。如果你想要拥有发言权,那么你就要在网络上有一个发言的平台。
Your website doesn’t have to be very complex. It can have a few pages, along with your updated resume and a brief bio about what you do.你的个人网站不必纷繁复杂。它可以只是几页,再附上你最新版本的简历和简短的个人介绍就可以了。