英语自学网 发表于 2017-4-12 16:33:34


        I know, it's not a fun situation. It sucks. But when that happens, you're not all the way out of luck because you still have a few options. Here are three different roads you can take.我知道,这并不是什么开心的事情,简直糟糕透了。但是一旦出现了这样的情况,你也不是运气不好,因为你还有一些选择。下面为你提供一些可选择的道路。
        Option 1: Get A Future Raise Agreed To In Writing选择1:达成书面协议,在未来获得加薪
        When the company sticks to their offer and says that's all they can afford to pay you at this point, you're not out of negotiation moves. One last move you can make is to bring up a future raise.如果这家公司坚持最初的报价,并且表示这已经是极限了,你也并非毫无选择。最后的一招就是提出一个将来加薪的协议。
        Say something along the lines of, "Since we're not in exact agreement, if I take this offer and perform extremely well, could we set a time in the next 6 to 12 months to discuss a raise?" If the hiring manager says yes to that, you have to set a specific time to discuss this again and get this agreement in writing.比如这么说:“既然我们无法达成完全的共识,如果我接受了这个报价,并且工作表现非常出色,那么我们能否在6到12个月后进行一次关于加薪的讨论?”如果招聘经理同意,那么你就要设定一个再次谈论加薪的具体日期,然后以书面的形式达成这次协议。
        (Then be a top performer at your position. Show up early to the office and leave late. Because if you're a valuable contributor then you'll have a better chance of receiving the raise you agreed to.)(那么接下来就要在岗位上表现突出,早出晚退。因为只有当你成为了一名有价值有贡献的员工,你的加薪机会就越大。)
        Option 2: Take The Job And Make Due选择2:接受这份工作并作出应有的贡献
        If you love the work and it's worth taking a pay cut for, then take the job without any regrets.如果你真的喜欢这份工作,也值得你在薪资上做出让步,那就不要犹豫,拿下这份工作吧。
        Just realize that your monthly budget will probably be tight and you'll have to sacrifice in other areas. That might mean you can't take a fancy vacation, travel as much as you like, or stay in a super nice place.你也要意识到,你的每月开支可能会变得紧张,还有可能需要在别的方面做出让步。比如,你无法享受一个华丽的假期,无法尽情地旅行,或无法在一个超级舒适的地方逗留。
        If that's good with you, then go for it. You'll spend far more time at work then you do at home or on vacation. And maybe you can get a promotion or raise in this role since you love it so you will be more likely to succeed. If you don't love the job and it's paying below market value, then I'd go with Option 3.如果你觉得还行,那就去吧。你花在工作上的时间会比在家或度假的时间多得多。而且你很可能获得这个岗位的晋升或加薪机会,只因你非常热爱这份工作,你就很有可能作出一番成就。如果你并不喜欢这份工作,工资待遇也低于市场价值,那就走第3条道路。
        Option 3: Decline The Job And Get Paid What You're Worth选择3:婉拒并另谋应得的待遇
        Maybe the offer is below your market value and makes it hard to live in an expensive city. If that's the case, then it might be best to reject their offer and seek employment elsewhere.有可能出现这样的情况:你的工作待遇低于市场价值,让你难以在高消费的城市生存。如果是这样的话,你最好还是婉拒了他们的工作邀请,另谋出路吧。
        The good news is that this isn't the only job and company in the world. There are plenty of companies who would love to have your skills and experiences, and pay you fairly for them.有一个好消息:这份工作和这家公司都不是唯一的。还有许多公司懂得欣赏你的技能和经验,并且为你提供可观的待遇。
        And when you go through the negotiation process this time, you'll be a pro to get what you're worth.当你经历了谈论薪资的阶段,你就会懂得如何获得自己应有的报酬。
        Making A Decision做个决定
        If you can get a sizable raise agreed upon for six months or 12 months down the road, that settles it and it's obvious to take the job. It gets tricky deciding between taking the job without the raise or declining the job. Having self-awareness about who you are and your future vision is super helpful when it comes to making this decision. So if your self-awareness is solid, use that to decide.如果你可以在职业发展的未来6个月或12个月后获得一份大幅度的加薪,那就妥协并定下这份工作。要在没有加薪的情况下接受工作邀请或婉拒它,很讲究策略。如果你的自我意识良好,也了解自己的未来规划,那么在这个问题上做决定就会非常有用。所以如果你的自我意识是可靠的,那就好好利用它来作出决定。
        Assuming their offer isn't way off what you need, if the salary offer is the only thing you don't love about the company and you can still afford to pay the bills, I'd trust your gut and take this job.假设他们给出的条件不如你的预期,如果薪资只是你不喜欢这家公司的唯一理由,而你仍然有能力支付费用,那我对你很有信心,接受这份工作吧。
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查看完整版本: 薪酬太低,应该接受这个offer吗?