英语自学网 发表于 2017-4-10 19:01:43

三星新出的Galaxy S8有哪些看点?

        With just a few hours to go before Samsung officially unveils the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+, there is a lot of hype around the phones right now. With the countless leaks that have surfaced in the past few months, we have a pretty clear idea of what Samsung's next flagship smartphones are going to look like.几个小时之后,三星公司就要正式发布盖乐世S8(Galaxy S8)以及盖乐世S8+(Galaxy S8+)系列手机了。目前,三星正大肆宣传新款手机。在过去的几个月里,已有无数关于三星新款手机的消息流出,因此我们很清楚三星下一款旗舰智能手机会是什么样子的。
        The Galaxy S8 has a lot riding on it after the fateful demise of the Galaxy Note 7. Samsung knows that it not only needs to come out with something flagship-worthy, but it also needs to be something special to win over the hearts of fans and skeptics alike. Looking at the leaks, there were a few things that Samsung seems to have been done right:在盖乐世Note7毁灭性终结之后,盖乐世S8在许多方面上是以盖乐世Note7为基础的。三星明白,公司不仅需要推出有价值的旗舰产品,还需要推出特别的产品来赢得粉丝以及质疑者们的芳心。根据曝出的小道消息,三星似乎在几方面做的不错:
        1. Break the design lull1、突破设计上的停滞不前
        From the looks of it, the Galaxy S8 has an attractive design and will offer something different from the current exhaustive lineup of smartphones.从外观来看,盖乐世S8有着漂亮的外观设计,而且会提供一些与时下所有的智能手机不同的东西。
        2. Spot on iris scanner2、精确的虹膜扫描
        Samsung has included an iris scanner in the front. Additionally, we may also see a facial recognition feature for added security with the upcoming flagship.三星公司在手机正面装上了虹膜扫描装置。另外,我们也可以注意到面部识别功能,可以为即将推出的旗舰产品增加安全性。
        3. Safest Samsung smartphone ever?3、有史以来最安全的三星智能手机?
        According to reports, Samsung has upped its safety check by adding an eight-point safety check protocol, which includes x-raying the batteries.据报道,三星增加了八项安全检查规定来强化其安全性,其中包括用X射线检查电池。
        4. Keeping it under $10004、把价格控制在1000美元以下
        As of now, the device is expected to be priced starting at EUR 799 for the Galaxy S8 and EUR 899 for the Galaxy S8+.到目前为止,盖乐世S8预期的起售价为799欧元,盖乐世S8+为899欧元。
        5. Implementing Bixby just right5、引入“比克斯比”(个人语音助理)的时机刚刚好
        Samsung will also introduce its personal voice assistant, called Bixby, with the Galaxy S8.三星还会为盖乐世S8系列推出个人语音助理比克斯比。
        Samsung will also look to reclaim its crown in the camera department. The Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ will be unveiled in a few hours in the US.三星也会考虑夺回其在照相技术上的霸主地位。三星盖乐世S8以及盖乐世S8+系列手机将于几小时后在美国发行。
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