《初代吸血鬼》S1E1:Out of the blue
/collect/201704/06/fce9fdc16b8cd61a614e84d19ed299bb27.jpgThe Originals 第四季回归已经快半个月了,在英语君看得津津有味地时候,才忽然发现竟然没有安利这部剧给同学们,顿时“心生愧疚”,因为英语君发现这里面的一些台词和表达相当有意思,那么大家要来看一看吗?
1.over the course of……在……的过程中
Over the course of my long life,I have come to believe that we've bound forever to those with whom we share blood.在我漫长的生命中,我一直相信我们的命运与血亲相连。
平时讲故事的时候,除了“long long ago”,“in the past”,今后你可以多一个“over the course of……”了~
Over the course of several years, threeconflicts changed the faces of England and Scotland.在这几年里,三场战争改变了英国和苏格兰的局面。
2.What do you make of that?你怎么想的?/你怎么看?
约摸几百年前,初代吸血鬼家族是乘船漂洋过海由欧洲逃到北美洲——当时法属殖民地新奥尔良,但是当时那艘船出现在众人视线时,大家都觉得这是一艘无人船甚至是“闹鬼”的船。所以一个路人甲便问同伴——What do you make of that?你怎么想的?/你怎么看?
What do you make of that?你怎么想的?/你怎么看?
3.Get oneself into a bind 某人陷入困境
get oneself into a spot 使自己陷入麻烦的境地, 使自己处于困难或危险之中
get oneself into a bad fix 陷入困境,进退维谷
Elijah always concerns about his brother‘s safety because Klaus so easily get himeself into a spot.Elijah总是挂念着他弟弟的安危,因为他弟弟总是很容易就把自己陷入困境。
4.Out of the blue 突然
My old friend the hybrid Klaus,he just happened to show up out of the blue.我的老朋友混血儿克劳斯他就突然冒出来了。
对于blue这个词,大家一定是很熟悉。Blue,可以表示“忧伤”,而我们熟悉的音乐类型蓝调也是由此而来。那么,out of the blue是什么意思呢?从字面上的意思来看,如果你说它表示“走出忧伤”,倒是真的有一首英文歌,歌名就叫out of the blue——走出忧伤。不过,这个短语最广泛应用的意思是“突然地;意外地”。
表示“突然”的单词或短语很多,比如单词suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly; 短语all at once; all of a sudden等等。但是Out of the blue在口语中应用也非常广泛,没看到咱们《初代吸血鬼》也用到这个短语吗?、请看例句:
Klaus just showed up in New Orleans out of the blue,which alarmed Marcel.Klaus突然在新奥尔良出现,这让Marcel忧虑不安。
5.Take-back 反悔
——Consider this me calling take-backs.就当我是反悔了吧。
——Oh,you've called take-backs dozens of times over the centuries.你这几百年里也反悔过不少次了。
Elijah打电话给妹妹Rebecca,想劝妹妹过去一起支援弟弟Klaus,但妹妹Rebecca因为Klaus对她的伤害一直还耿耿于怀,所以想违背一千年前的誓言“Always and forever.”
Take-back,to retract (something stated or written),收回(所说的或所写的事)在这里可以当成“反悔”。这里不禁想起了一句“名言”:
Even four horses cannot take back what one has said.一言既出,驷马难追。
6.Have one'swork cut out (for sb) 忙得不可开交,面临艰巨工作;
Meaning: to have something very difficult to do
I have my work cut out for me,don't I?这件事非我莫属,不是吗?
She has her work cut out for her,hoping to finish all those reports by the end of the week.她手头上有工作,只希望能在这周结束前能完成它。