英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-29 18:07:36



                SECTION A MINI-LECTURE
                1. signing
                2. primary
                3. literacy
                4. different but complementary
                5. settling/resolving
                6. many social contexts
                7. characteristics/features
                8. reaction
                9. distance
                10. emotion
                11. deliberate
                12. intimacy and immediacy
                13. continuum
                14. degrees of interactivity
                15. the usage
                SECTION BINTERVIEW
                1.       What is international leaders’ assessment of the current battle against Ebola?
                答案:B. Disheartening.
                2.       How many people are now working in the treatment unit in Liberia?
                答案:A. 200.
                3.       According to Mary, what is the challenge in the battle against Ebola?
                答案:D. Insufficient operational efforts on the ground.
                4.    Why do health workers need case management protocol training?
                答案:B. They can open up more treatment units.
                5.    What does this interview mainly talk about?
               答案:C. Ebola outpacing operational efforts.
                6.       What is Tom’s main role in his new position?
                答案:D. Creating things from changes in behavior, media, etc.
                7.       According to Tom, what does innovation require of people?
                答案:B. Being brave and willing to take a risk
                8.       What does Tom see as game-changing chances in the future?
                答案:B. Aiming at a consumer level.
                9.       What does Tom do first to deal with the toughest part of his work?
                答案:D. Examining the future carefully.
                10.   Which of the following might Tom work for?
                答案:A. A media agency.

enthree 发表于 2017-3-29 18:52:35

                PASSAGE ONE
                11.The first part of Para. 4 refers to the fact that            .
                答案:[A]life there is quiet and slow
                12.“The lack of awareness” in Para. 5 refers to            .
                答案:[C]little knowledge of the beauty of the beach
                13.The author uses “gloriously” in Para. 6 to            .
                答案:[C]contrast greenery with isolation
                14.The sentence “We never ate the same thing twice” in Para. 10 reflects the               of the seafood there.
                15.Which of the following themes is repeated in both Paras.1 and 11?
                PASSAGE TWO
                16. It can be inferred from Paras.1 and 2 that teachers used to            .
                答案:[D]teach extended reading in a perfunctory way
                17. The sentence “we all understand and instinctively feel narrative structure” in Para.4 indicates that            .
                答案:[C]we are born story-tellers
                18. Samuel Johnson regards the relationship between a writer and a reader as               (Para.5).
                19. In Para.7, the author sees “pre-reading” as the most important part of reading because            .
                答案:[C]it can attract students’ attention
                20. “Textual Intervention” suggested by Rob Pope (in Para. 8) is expected to fulfill all the following functions EXCEPT            .
                答案:[C]stretching the imagination
                PASSAGE THREE
                21. According to the author, “national service” is comparable to “military training” because they both cultivate youngsters’            .
                答案:[B]self discipline
                22. The author cites the example of his father in order to show            .
                答案:[A]the importance of discipline
                23. According to the author, a national service program can bring the following benefits to America’s youngsters EXCEPT            .
                答案:[A]increase in income
                24. According to the context, what does “the fire” refer to (Para. 14)?
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查看完整版本: 2017年3月英语专业八级考试真题参考答案(星火最终版)