英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-28 13:28:31

《路西法》 第二季缩减至18集

        TVLine reported that FOX is pushing the final four episodes of the season until next fall. The show was originally renewed for Season 2 and then got a "back-nine" order, bringing its episode total to 22. TVLine报道,FOX已将《路西法》第二季最后四集放到第三季播出。第二季的预定集数由22集减到18集。
        Executive producers told TVLine earlier this year that they had only planned for an 18 episode arc. The extra four episodes were designed as sort of "standalone" character studies. Those four episodes will now come at the start of Season 3 next fall.本剧的监制解释了原因,称第二季原本就只打算拍18集。多余的四集将会更加深入地探索人物。那四集将放在明年秋天第三季前几集播出。
        Season 3 is still slated to have 22 episodes as promised in the renewal announcement.第三季依然是之前公布的那样,将至少22集。
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