It's not every day you get treated to a master class in life and business from Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.聆听比尔盖茨和沃伦巴菲特讲述个人生活和事业的大师级课程可不常有。
Excited chatter filled the halls of Columbia University's Lerner Auditorium this past Friday afternoon, as students eagerly waited to have their questions answered by the two renowned billionaire businessmen.在上周五的下午,哥伦比亚大学Lerner礼堂大厅充满着兴奋气息,学生们在焦急等待着这两位著名的亿万富翁回答他们的问题。
Moderated by Charlie Rose of PBS's The Week, the duo shared their life experiences, thoughts on philanthropy and politics, and how they manage their empires.在PBS本周频道Charlie Rose的主持下,两位巨擘分享了生活的经验、对慈善和政治的看法以及如何管理他们的商业帝国。
In case you missed the Facebook Live broadcast, here are the top seven tips Gates and Buffett had to offer today's aspiring young entrepreneurs.如果你错过了Facebook的在线直播,没有关系,这里为你列出了盖茨和巴菲特给现在年轻有激情企业家的7个忠告。
1. Let your curiosity lead you.1. 让好奇心引领你
According to Buffett, one thing he and Gates connected on was a sense of wanting to learn more about the world.据巴菲特讲,他和盖茨在探索学习未知世界的观念上是相关联的。
For Buffett, that curiosity was fulfilled through reading books about investment. "I was at the library here at Columbia; that changed my whole life," he said. "You can learn so much."巴菲特的好奇心通过阅读投资方面的书籍而得到满足。他说:“过去在哥伦比亚图书馆的日子改变了我的一生,你们也可以学到很多。”
Gates agreed, emphasizing the importance of reading and learning. "You try and predict what's going to happen, then when it doesn't, you think: What is it about my model of the world that's wrong?"盖茨表示同意,并强调了阅读和学习的重要性。“尝试预测会发生什么,如果不是按照你的预期发展的,你就要思考:我认识世界的模型是不是有什么不对?”
2. Pay it forward.2. 传递爱心
"I was so amazed how he comes to investing with this broad model of the world," Gates said, complimenting Buffett's humility and sense of humor. "He enjoys what he does and shares that with other people."盖茨对巴菲特的谦逊和幽默感褒奖有加:“我很惊奇他的投资世界模型如此大。他也很享受所做的事并与其他人分享。”
3. Don't let failure derail you.3. 不要被失败压倒
Life can be a roller coaster, which is a metaphor both Buffett and Gates know all too well. If Gates had stopped after one of his first ventures, Traf-O-Data, went down the tube, he would never have co-founded Microsoft.巴菲特和盖茨都非常清楚,生活就像过山车。如果在第一次交通数据公司的冒险中就停止,盖茨就不会合作创办微软。
4. Follow your bliss.4. 追随你的幸福
Buffett also stressed the need to find a job that compliments your passions. "I always advise students to look for the job that you would take if you didn't need a job," he said. "Don't give up until you find it."巴菲特强调,找到一个能激发你激情的工作的重要性。“我一直建议学生们寻找一份这样的工作,不是为了工作而工作,找到它之前不要放弃。”
5. Invest in your fears.5. 对于恐惧的事情,懂得花钱去克服
When Buffett attended Columbia Business School, he was "petrified" to speak in public. Instead of refusing to speak, he decided to develop the skill he most lacked.当在哥伦比亚商业学校读书时,巴菲特害怕公开演讲。他决定弥补这一技能不足,而不是拒绝说话。
"I read an ad in the New York Times and I signed up for a course," Buffett said. "I gave the guy $100 in cash. It changed my life."巴菲特说:“在《纽约时代》杂志上读到一个公开演讲课程的广告,我就参加了这个课程。为此,我支付了100美元,但它改变了我的人生。”
6. Luck matters, but only to a point.6. 运气很重要,但仅在某种程度上
Maybe Gates wouldn't have created Microsoft if a computer hadn't been brought into his high school. Going down memory lane, Gates noted that his passion and the introduction of the computer chip happened to coincide perfectly.如果那台电脑没被带到他就读的高中,盖茨可能不会创办微软。回首过去,盖茨强调他的热情和那次电脑芯片的介绍完美地碰撞了。
But Gates depended on more than just luck. Strategic planning also helped him stay "risk-averse" when running Microsoft. "I always made sure we had enough money to pay everybody for at least a year," he said, adding that he felt a little out of place as a 20-year-old CEO.但盖茨绝不是仅仅依靠运气。在运营微软的时候,战略计划使他站在了冒险的对立面。盖茨说:“我一直确保有足够的钱,这些钱能够支付每位员工至少一年薪水。”并补充到,他感到这和一个20岁的CEO有点不相称。
As for Buffett, he shared that he was "wired" for investing ever since he was 7- or 8-years old, and that having the right temperament allowed him to think for himself.而巴菲特,则分享了他7、8岁以来在投资方面有点古怪的做法,沉稳的性情让他多为自己考虑了一些。
7. Let your relationships help you.7. 让人际关系帮助你
Both Buffett and Gates reminded the audience about the importance of maintaining good relationships--particularly with people you admire. "You'll move in the direction of the people you associate with," Buffett said. "You want to associate with people you'd like to be."巴菲特和盖茨都提醒观众维护良好关系的重要性,特别是对你仰慕的人。巴菲特说:“你将会与相关的人朝着同一方向前进。你很想与这些你喜欢的人一起工作。”
Gates couldn't agree more, as he gushed about his wife, Melinda, and her work for the Gates Foundation. "You're always there to help them, and vice versa."盖茨再同意不过了,他滔滔不绝地谈到Melinda和她工作的盖茨基金会。“你一直在那帮助他们,他们也在帮助你。”