The first season of National Geographic’s “Genius” hasn’t even premiered yet, but two of the driving forces behind the show, Ron Howard and Brian Grazer, are already on the hunt for a spectacularly smart subject for Season 2.国家地理的《天才》第一季目前尚未开播,但本剧幕后的两位幕后制作Ron Howard和Brian Grazer已经开始寻找第二季的天才原型了。
“We’re already talking about Season 2 of ‘Genius’ and we don’t know who our genius will be yet,” Howard told Variety‘s executive editor of TV Debra Birnbaum, before his partner in crime Grazer chipped in on the matter.“我们已经开始谈论《天才》第二季,我们现在还没找到第二季的天才原型,”Howard告诉Variety的杂志主编Debra Birnbaum,在他的搭档Grazer插话之前说道。