英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-22 18:42:51


        Who knows who leaked two pages of Donald Trump's tax return.谁知道是哪路神仙泄漏了唐纳德•特朗普的纳税申报单啊!
        But the leak, such as it is, does no harm to the President. It shows he actually paid income taxes -- at least in 2005. The journalist that published two pages from Donald Trump's 2005 tax return says he doesn't know who provided the documents; he got them in the mail.但是泄漏出的数据真真没有对这位总统造成什么伤害。税单显示他的确缴了个人所得税——至少在2005年交过税。那位公布这两页唐纳德•特朗普2005年纳税申报单的记者说:他不知道是谁提供的信息,他是从邮箱里拿到这两页纸的。

        Did Donald Trump leak his own tax return?是唐纳德•特朗普本人泄漏了自己的纳税申报单吗?
        "Yes," Pulitzer Prize-winner David Cay Johnston replied when CNN anchor Poppy Harlow asked him if he thought the two pages, which show Trump paid $38 million in taxes on more than $150 million in income that year, could have been sent by the President himself.当CNN主持人波佩•哈洛问普利策奖得主大卫•凯•约翰斯顿(就是公布税单的记者)是否认为那两页纸是总统本人发的,后者回答了“是的”。这两页纳税单显示特朗普在那年收入逾1亿5千万美元,并为此缴纳了3千800万美元的税。
        "Donald has a long history of leaking things about himself and doing it indirectly and directly," Johnston told Harlow and Chris Cuomo. "So it's a possibility." He published the returns on his website DCReport.org.约翰斯顿对哈洛和克里斯•科莫说:“唐纳德泄漏自己的信息的历史由来已久,他总是或间接或直接地做那种事,所以有可能就是他发的。”约翰斯顿在自己的网站DCReport.org上发布了这两页税单。

        The White House has hit back hard against the publication, calling it illegal in a pre-emptive statement Tuesday night. Then President Trump himself weighed in Wednesday morning on Twitter, suggesting Johnston wasn't being forthright.白宫狠狠地回击了公布税单的事,周二晚就先发制人,称这是一起违法行为。后来,特朗普总统本人又在推特上发表了评论,含沙射影地说约翰斯顿品行不端。
        "Does anybody really believe that a reporter, who nobody ever heard of, 'went to his mailbox' and found my tax returns? @NBCNews FAKE NEWS!" tweeted the President.总统发推文说:“真的有人相信一个记者,一个没人听说过的记者,‘打开邮箱’就看到了我的纳税单吗?@NBCNews 假新闻!”

        What the disclosure shows泄漏的数据说明了什么
        The information was based on two pages of an IRS 1040 form supplied anonymously to Johnston. The information was partial -- it did not give a full picture even for 2005.泄漏的信息是有人匿名发给约翰斯顿的两页美国国税局1040号表单,这些信息只是片面的,并不能看到2005年的全景。
        "The release of the top pages of Trump's 2005 tax return is a useful start, but is a drop in the disclosure bucket of what Trump owes the American people," Edward Kleinbard, the Johnson Professor of Law and Business at USC Gould School of Law and a former chief of staff at the Joint Committee on Taxation, told CNNMoney.爱德华•克莱因伯德是南加州大学古尔德法学院的约翰逊法律与商业教授,曾任美国国会税收联合委员会高管,他对CNNMoney频道记者说:“特朗普2005年纳税单的前两页被泄漏出来是一个很有用的开端,但是要用它说明特朗普欠了美国人什么可就大错特错了。”
        Kleinbard said that the disclosures gave no indication about any business links between Trump and Russia.克莱因伯德说泄漏的数据中没有迹象表明特朗普和俄罗斯之间有商业联系。
        "Only complete returns can resolve the questions swirling around his alleged financial obligations and sources of income," Kleinbard said.克莱因伯德还说:“只有完整的纳税单才能解决特朗普债务问题和收入来源方面的疑云。”
        Pressure for full tax disclosure公布完整纳税单的压力
        Trump had promised during the presidential campaign to release his returns -- which every presidential nominee in modern times has made into a precedent -- after the conclusion of a routine audit, but the White House has not spelled out when exactly that would be.特朗普竞选总统时承诺在例行审计结束后会公布自己的纳税单,这也是现如今每位提名的总统候选人都会做的承诺,已经成为一种惯例,但是白宫至今仍未表明具体在什么时候公布税单。
        More recently, aides have suggested that since he won the election, he would not release his returns.更新的消息是:白宫助手们暗示说因为特朗普已经赢得选举,所以他不会在公布自己的纳税单了。
        In October, The New York Times obtained a single year's return anonymously that showed that Trump declared a $916 million loss and lists tax benefits he used after a turbulent financial period for him in the early 1990s. The paper, citing tax experts, said Trump could have used his loss to cancel out an equivalent amount of taxable income for nearly two decades.10月份,《纽约时报》从匿名来源处拿到了一年的纳税申报单,这份单子表明特朗普申报了一笔9亿1600万美元的损失,还列出了20世纪90年代财政波动期这后他可以享受的税收优惠。税务专家称,这份申报单表明特朗普可以在大约20年里用自己的损失来抵消等额的应纳税收入。
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查看完整版本: 特朗普2005年纳税单泄漏,是故意泄露的吗?