英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-21 13:28:38


        CBS is closing in on a deal with Warner Bros. TV to renew the Anna Faris-Allison Janney comedy “Mom” for a fifth season. CBS将与华纳兄弟电视商定续订由Anna Faris和Allison Janney主演的《极品老妈》第五季的事。
        The Chuck Lorre comedy centers around mother-daughter pair Bonnie (Janney) and Christy (Faris) who are recovering alcoholics. Janney won the best supporting actress in a comedy Emmy two years in a row for the role — 2014 and 2015 — and was nominated again in 2016.这部Chuck Lorre的喜剧主要是围绕老妈Bonnie (Janney饰)和戒酒的女儿Christy (Faris饰)之间的故事展开的。Janney 凭借本剧获得2015年度艾美奖最佳喜剧女配角奖,2016年再次获得艾美奖提名。
        “Mom” has been a steady performer for the Eye in its fourth season, averaging a 1.5 rating in the 18-49 demographic and an average audience of 7.55 million per episode just in Nielsen’s Live+Same Day ratings.情景喜剧《极品老妈》第四季表现得十分稳定,在18-49岁之间的收视率是1.5%,尼尔森当日直播收视率显示平均每集的观看人数是755万余。
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查看完整版本: CBS喜剧《极品老妈》第五季即将获得续订