FX and Marvel TV are now confirmed to be picking Legion up for its second, all-new season. With two episodes left to go in the first season, this is certainly a good sign for fans and those still trying to comb through the show’s mysteries. FX和Marvel TV已确定续订《大群》第二季。第一季还有两集就播完了(共八集),这对于剧迷们以及那些想要继续去梳理本剧谜团的人来讲无疑是天大的好消息。
Speaking on the announcement, executive producer and head of Marvel TV Jeph Loeb had this to say: “We are thrilled there will be a new season of Legion. Noah’s spectacular take on David Haller and all the other characters he brought to life makes us ache for more. We’re particularly proud of our partners at FX and the success we share on our first TV series together.”说到这则通知时,监制和漫威电视负责人说道:“《大群》这部剧有第二季我们都十分激动。导演诺亚对主角大卫以及其他人物的惊人刻画,使得我们渴望看到更多的剧情。我们很荣幸能够与搭档FX电视台共同分享我们首次合作电视剧的成功。”