英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-17 19:21:08


        As the world commemorates the centenary of the Titanic's sinking, thousands of people have taken to the internet to discuss the historic anniversary. But the event has evidently proven more educational for some than others.当全世界都在关注泰坦尼克号沉没一百周年,成千上万的人们在网上开始了这个历史性纪念活动的讨论。但这似乎对更多的人来说有着更多的教育意义。
        A number of tweeters have used the micro-blogging site to confess that they were unaware that the Titanic was a real ship.The ill-informed netizens sparked an online backlash, with hundreds sharing their disgust at the apparent ignorance.很多推特用户发微博承认自己早先并没有意识到泰坦尼克号是一艘真实存在的船。这些孤陋寡闻的网民引发了网上的热议,许多用户对这些人的无知表示鄙视。
        Jas: Only just found out Titanic was real.刚刚才发现真有泰坦尼克号。
        NaiNai: Guys, Titanic was real!同志们,泰坦尼克号是真的!
        Charlotte: Is it bad that i didn't know Titanic was real? Always thought it was just a film.我竟然不知道泰坦尼克号是真实存在的,我一直以为只不过是部电影。
        Brittany: Nobody told me Titanic was real? How am I just finding this out?! 泰坦尼克号真实存在?没人告诉过我啊,我怎么会知道?!

        RMS Titanic sank in the early hours of April 15 1912, after being struck by an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York. But for many of the younger generation, the ship is more familiar from the 1997 film about its demise starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio.1912年4月,泰坦尼克号在从英国南安普敦到美国纽约的处女航时撞上冰山后沉没。但很多年轻的一代人似乎对1997年由凯特·温丝莱特和里昂那多·迪卡普里奥主演的电影更加熟悉。
        And it seems that several fans of the movie failed to grasp that it was based on a true story - albeit with invented characters. A screenshots of tweets from people realising that the tragic tale is non-fictional was first circulated on social news site Reddit.似乎一些影迷并没有注意到影片尽管创造了一些人物,但是基于真实历史事件改编而成。一些推特用户留言表示意识到这个悲剧故事并非虚构,这些留言截图最早出现在社会新闻网Reddit上。
        More knowledgeable tweeters were quick to latch on to the embarrassing error. 'The ignorance is astounding,' wrote one commenter.更多博学的推特用户迅速出来纠正这个尴尬的错误。一位用户这样评论道:“这种无知太令人震惊了。”
        Another joked: 'Loving the people on Twitter who didn't realize Titanic was a real ship. More secrets, so was the iceberg, kids. Celine Dion is fictional.'另外一位开玩笑道:“这些没有意识到泰坦尼克号是真实存在的推特用户真可爱。泰坦尼克号还有更多的秘密哦!就像撞上的冰山、船上的孩子,甚至主题曲演唱者席琳·迪翁都是虚构的。”
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查看完整版本: Twitter用户囧回应:泰坦尼克号原来不是瞎编的!