从有着几百年历史的小说到描写存在主义历史的作品,BBC的简·西亚巴塔丽选出了本年度不容错过的最佳书籍:10. Yaa Gyasi, Homegoing10、雅·吉亚斯:《回家》
Gyasi creates an unforgettable cast of characters as she follows seven generations of a family through the dislocations and continuing repercussions of slavery.吉亚斯在书中创造了一众令人难忘的人物角色,介绍了在持续不断的奴隶制度的影响下,一个家庭的七代人颠沛流离的生活。
9. Sarah Bakewell, At the Existentialist Café9、莎拉·贝克韦尔:《在存在主义的咖啡馆里》
Bakewell’s idiosyncratic begins At the Existentialist Café. She tracks the growth of Existentialism, and shows how its emphasis on authenticity and freedom are relevant today.《在存在主义的咖啡馆里》这部作品体现了贝克韦尔个人特有的风格。她在书中记录着存在主义的发展轨迹,并说明了当代现实主义对真实性和自由的重要意义及密切相关性。
8. Ruth Franklin, Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life8、路德·富兰克林和雪莉·杰克逊:《焦虑不安的生活》
Shirley Jackson was best known for literary suspense. Jackson’s unique contribution, writes Franklin, was “her primary focus” on the lives of her generation of women who were raised in the mid 20th Century.雪莉·杰克逊以悬念类作品而著称。富兰克林写道,杰克逊的独特贡献在于,“她主要关注”成长于20世纪中期她那个时代的女性们的生活。
7. Liz Moore, The Unseen World7、利兹·摩尔:《未被发现的世界》
Moore captures the powerful ties between father and daughter as she unspools a string of compelling scientific and personal mysteries.摩尔抓住了父亲和女儿之间强有力的纽带,并在书中讲述一系列有关科学和个人的扣人心弦的秘密。
6. Ben H Winters, Underground Airlines6、本·H·温特斯:《隐秘的航空公司》
Winters’ timely new work of speculative fiction is set in an alternative US: Lincoln never became president, the Civil War never happened, and there are still slaves in the certain states. Winters, an Edgar award winner, has crafted a fast-moving thriller with a contemporary ethical framework.温特斯适时推出的新作品《隐秘的航空公司》,这部推理小说是以一个另类的美国为背景的:在那里林肯没有成为总统,美国没有发生内战,在一些州奴隶依然存在。埃德加奖获得者温特斯创作了一部情节紧凑的恐怖小说,并在小说中引入了当代的伦理框架。
5. Teju Cole, Known and Strange Things5、泰茹·科尔:《已知的奇怪事物》
Cole shows a breathtaking range in his splendid new collection of 55 essays. His cultural criticism is filled with surprising connections and intelligent provocations.科尔在他新创作的55篇优秀散文中展示了一系列令人吃惊的事物。他文雅的评论充满着出人意料的联想以及明智的挑逗。
4. Adam Haslett, Imagine Me Gone4、亚当·哈斯利特:《如果我不见了》
Imagine Me Gone is a powerful story of loss and love. We’ve come to know intimately the joys and struggles of each member of a troubled family by its heart-wrenching conclusion.《如果我不见了》是一个关于失去和爱的颇具感染力的故事。看到令人心痛的结局,我们深入体会到一个多灾多难的家庭中的每个成员的欢乐和挣扎。
3. Ann Patchett, Commonwealth3、安·帕切特:《共和国》
Patchett, winner of the 2001 Orange Prize, opens her brilliantly structured new novel. Betrayals and forgiveness are at the centre of this complex and memorable family drama.2001年“橘子奖”获得者帕切特公开了她创作的结构巧妙的新小说。背叛和宽恕是这部错综复杂又令人难忘的家庭剧的核心。
2. CE Morgan, The Sport of Kings2、CE·摩根:《赛马》
Morgan’s ambitious and epic tale of a racehorse bred to win the Triple Crown of elite US thoroughbred contests spans several centuries.摩根在这部宏大的史诗般作品中讲述了一匹赛马的故事,这匹赛马要在举办了几个世纪的美国纯种赛马精英赛上卫冕三连冠。
1. Dana Spiotta, Innocents and Others1、丹娜·斯皮奥塔:《无辜者和其他人》
Spiotta raises questions about truth, reality and how the digital world is affecting us all in her new novel. An innovative and provocative stunner.斯皮奥塔在她的新小说中提出了有关真理和现实的问题,并讲述了数字世界是如何影响我们的生活。这是一部新颖又刺激的佳作。