英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-15 21:20:57

外媒看中国:500人拍全家福 无人机都出动了

        If you had a family photograph taken how many people would be present?拍一张全家福的照片会有多少人到场呢?
        Well, for one supersize family in China, 500 relatives turned up for their photo session, requiring a drone to fly back from a distance in a bid to get the full clan in the frame.在中国有一户人家人数爆棚,拍摄全家福时一共有500多人到场,以至于不得不需要由一架无人机在远处拍摄才能够让所有人都入镜。
        Apparently it took more two years for the Ren family to coordinate the impressive stunt, which took place close to their ancestral town in the Zhejiang province.任家人花了超过两年的时间才达成此壮举——在距离他们家乡浙江省不远处的一处小镇中拍下了这张照片。
        Images show a mixture of different generations standing side-by-side on a rocky outcrop.在这张照片中几代人一个接着一个站立在一块岩石的突出部分。
        The 500 living members of the Ren dynasty are part of the 25th to 31st generations of the family.任家的500位家庭成员属于其第25代至第31代。
        Many of them are scattered across the country with some residing in Beijing, Shanghai, Xinjiang, and even across the strait in Taiwan.任家的许多家庭成员都分布于各个城市,有的在北京,有的在上海,有的在新疆,甚至还有远在海峡对岸的台湾的。

        The Ren's very busy photo was branded 'amazing' by internet users after hitting the web.这张任家的全家福照片在网络上大热,网友纷纷称奇。
        Ren added: 'China is moving towards modernity, but Chinese people's roots in their native land never disappear.任家人说:“虽然中国正变得越来越现代化,但是中国人的故乡之根永远不会泯灭。”
        He estimates that their are more than 1,000 over seven generations of the Ren family who are still alive. Maybe next year the family photograph will be an even bigger affair.他强调说任家七代人中还有1000多人活在这个世界上。也许明年他们将会拍一张更加壮观的全家福。
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