From superhero shows to space opera, the greatest small-screen sci-fi of all time are here.从超级英雄剧到太空戏,以下是有史以来最棒的科幻电视剧。
1. 'Humans' (2015-Present)《真实的人类》(2015年至今)
Set in a near future where lifelike androids function as humanity's servants, the series cuts between enlightened rogue robots and the mechanically aided government agency trying to capture them, with frequent stops in the household of a dysfunctional flesh-and-blood family caught in the middle. It's brainy and thrilling, balancing fantasy, drama, and trippy "Who's the real automaton, man?" philosophizing.该剧将故事背景设置在不远的将来,剧中看起来跟人类一样的机器人被用作人类的奴仆,剧情在几个很先进但不安分的机器人和企图借助机器抓捕它们的政府机构之间展开,中间频繁出现一个运转不畅的真人家庭生活。很烧脑,也很刺激,平衡了幻想、剧情和令人迷惑的哲思——“人类啊,到底谁才是真正的机器人?”
2. 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' (2013-Present)《神盾局特工》(2013年至今)
S.H.I.E.L.D.'s mission is to dance between the raindrops of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's constant stream of big-screen blockbusters, reflecting changes to the status quo while still telling an engaging story about a team of super-spies in its own right.在漫威电影宇宙系列源源不断的大片之流中,神盾局的使命就是在雨点间舞蹈,既反映人物现状的变化,也以其独特视角继续讲述着这些超级特工们演绎的引人入胜的故事。
3. 'Jessica Jones' (2015-Present)《杰西卡•琼斯》(2015年至今)
It just so happens that Jessica, a world-weary, hard-drinking P.I., happens to have advanced reflexes and an out-of-this-world strength, and that she's squaring off against a mind-controlling megalomaniac. It's a gritty fiercely feminist noir with just a dusting of sci-fi around the edges — which ends up being the perfect combo to hit a genre fan right in the gut.故事是这样的:杰西卡是一位悲观厌世又酗酒成性的私家侦探,但她碰巧拥有超人类的反应能力和这个世界上无人可及的力量,还有她努力抗争以摆脱一位能控制思想的自大狂。这是一部坚毅勇猛的女性主义电视剧,边缘处撒了一点科幻之尘——最终却成就了一个完美组合,深深打动了一票剧迷。
4. 'Life on Mars' (2006-2007)《火星生活》(2006-2007)
One of the damnedest cop show that's ever been, this British series concerns a comatose Manchester cop who's slipped through time — or is perhaps just hallucinating — and finds himself solving crimes in 1973. Like the best speculative fiction, Life on Mars features a hero who questions what's happening to him and why, all while exploring a strange alien world.这部英剧是史上最棒的警探片,主角是一位昏迷后穿越时光的曼彻斯特警探——或者一切只是他的幻觉——他发觉自己竟在1973年破案。作了一部最优秀的推理科幻片,《火星生活》的主角质疑自己身上究竟发生了什么以及为什么,与此同时探索着一个完全陌生的异度世界。
5. 'The Flash' (2014-Present)《闪电侠》(2014年至今)
Although Grant Gustin's scarlet speedster gets his powers from a particle-accelerator meltdown, the show's perfect mixture of giddy adventure and heart-tugging drama feels less like a matter of science than magic.尽管格兰特•古斯汀扮演的红衣飞毛腿是因为粒子加速器爆炸获得超能力的,但该剧完美地将令人眼花缭乱的冒险和牵动人心的剧情结合在一起,让人感觉更像是科学而非魔力造成了这一切。
6. 'Torchwood' (2006-2011)《火炬木小组》(2006-2011)
Doctor Who's earthier spinoff started simple, tracking the two-fisted alien-hunting exploits of polysexual immortal Captain Jack Harkness, his Cardiff-based lover Ianto and his right-hand woman Gwen. But as the series developed — and moves into the complex multi-part stories such as "Children of Earth" and "Miracle Day" — it turned into something like a tense, taut political thriller with laser-guns.作为《神秘博士》衍生出的一部更接地气儿的电视剧,《火炬木小组》一开始很简单,就是记录拥有不死之躯的泛性恋队长杰克•哈克尼斯携同他在卡迪夫的情人伊安多和得力女助手格温一起追捕外星生物的丰功伟绩,但是随着剧情逐步展开,并发展出“地球之子”和“奇迹日”等复杂的多线条故事,该剧变成了一部情节紧凑又紧张的政治惊悚片,只是多了镭射枪而已。
7. 'Lost' (2004-2010)《迷失》(2004-2010)
From teleporting polar bears to time-hopping super-islands, Lost's core creative team of Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse kept coming up with ideas that sent fans scrambling to the Internet to theorize. All the while, the writers divvied a rich mythology into memorable individual episodes, telling stories filled with wit, awe, and heartbreak.从远距离传送过来的北极熊到穿越时光的小岛,《迷失》的核心创作团队——达蒙•林德洛夫和卡尔顿•库思——不断想出新点子,让剧迷们爬上网搜索并推理下一步剧情。自始至终,剧作家们都在把内涵丰富的神话故事写进难忘的个人故事中,饱含智慧、敬畏之情,并让人感到心碎难过。
8. 'Orphan Black' (2013-Present)《黑色孤儿》(2013年至今)
Orphan Black's true secret weapon is virtuoso actor Tatiana Maslany, who's slipped into the skin of 11 different characters and counting, from a cockney con artist to a tightly wound soccer mom to a fanatical serial killer.《黑色孤儿》中真正的秘密武器是演技高超的演员蒂凡妮•玛斯兰尼,她扮演了11个不同角色,从伦敦冒牌艺术家到纠结不安的足球妈妈再到狂热的连环杀手。
9. 'Black Mirror' (2011-Present)《黑镜》(2011年至今)
Maybe we won't one day be able to download images from our brains like recordings from a DVR, or block people in person the way we do on social media. But the show's extrapolations feel logical, even inevitable: It's less a matter of if they'll happen, but when.也许无论到哪年哪月我们都无法像从DVR录像中下载图像一样从自己的大脑中下载影像,或者像在社交媒体上那样屏蔽真实的人,但是这部剧中的推理却感觉很符合逻辑,甚至像是无法避免的:这些事是否会发生好像不怎么算个问题,问题在于什么时候会发生。
10. 'Doctor Who' (1963-Present)《神秘博士》(1963年至今)
Longevity is the name of the game for this 52-year-old BBC series. Despite decades of lore, the premise is winningly simple: A charming alien travels through time and space in a dinged-up blue box, doing his level best to save the day. He picks up traveling companions along the way, and every so often he regenerates into a brand-new body.这部有52年历史的BBC电视剧可谓长盛不衰。尽管故事讲了几十年了,预设的背景却非常简单:一位魅力十足的外星人乘一只破破烂烂的蓝盒子穿越时空,尽自己最大能力拯救世界。他在旅行途中不断拉上新同伴,而且还时不时变成全新的模样。
11. 'Star Trek' (1966-1969)《星际迷航》(1966-1969)
Nearly every word of its opening monologue entered the popular parlance. Nearly every nuance of its actor's performances became (in)famous. Nearly every science-fiction series to come afterwards owes it a huge debt, up to and including the oh-so-similarly titled Star Wars. May the Starship Enterprise never stop boldly going into the hearts and minds of the sci-fi faithful.该剧开篇的每一个字几乎都成了流行用语,演员表演中的每个小细节几乎都“流芳百世”或者“遗臭万年”,后来出品的每部科幻电视剧几乎都从《星际迷航》中获益颇多,一直到片名听起来非常相似《星球大战》都不例外。愿进取号飞船能一直勇敢前行,驶进每位忠实科幻迷的心中。