The Vampire Diaries has come to an end——The CW hit juest aired the final episode of its eight-seasons run——but that doesn't mean the story is over.吸血鬼日记迎来了结局,CW电视台不久前播出了吸血鬼日记第八季的季终集,但是,这样并不意味着这个故事结束。
For years,die-hard Vampire Diaries fans have wondered how the show would end.As a refresher,the series finale that aired featured Stedfan sacrificing himself to save everyone,and therefore finding peace.It left Bonnie to travel the world,Matt to run for mayor of Mystic Falls,and Caroline and Ric to open a boarding school for their girls and other "gifted" children like them.As for Damon and Elena,they lived ahappy human life before,in the show's final moments,they ecah found peace when Elena was reunited with her deceased parents and Damon got one final brother hug from Stefan.这么多年来,吸血鬼日记的死忠粉一直在想它究竟是以什么形式结束。作为剧里真善美和正义的化身,Stefan牺牲了自己拯救了大家,从而在死亡中也找到了安宁。结局里,Bonnie去环游世界,Matt竞选“神秘小镇”的镇长,Careloline和Ric为他们的女儿和其他有魔力的孩子开了一间寄宿学校。至于Elena和Damon,他们生前作为人类一起过着开心的生活,死后(即在剧里最后的几分钟里)他们各自都找到了自己的安宁,Elena和自己的家人团聚,Damon和Stefan拥抱在一起。
Stefan Salvatore总是剧中的拯救者,所以英语君对于最终Stefan“下场”也不感到太惊奇。只不过,英语君八年前是因为SE(Stefan&Elena)才入的坑,结果到了末季的剧情,竟然是Stefan和Caroline成了一对儿,英语君一开始也是挺郁闷的,但是后来想想也就释然了。
From best friends to husband and wife-no other relationship has been as solid,nurturing and loyal as Steoline.He helped her transition into a vampire with morals and supported her through her mother's death;she never gave up on him even when he turned off his humanity to serve Cade.Their love was built,as Stefan said in his wedding vows,"Day by day, bit by bit,year by year."And with a foundation like that,it seems meant to last until death do them apart.从好朋友的转变为夫妻,再没有其他像Stefan和Careloline那么坚固忠诚的伴侣关系了。他帮助她在精神观念上正式转变为吸血鬼,在她的妈妈去世时陪伴在她身边;即使在他关闭人性时,她也从来没有放弃他。他们的爱于是滋生了,就像他在婚礼上誓言所说的那样“一天又一天,一点一滴,一年又一年”,像他们如此坚定不移的爱,估计只有死亡才能把他们分开了。
Careloline Forbes ,who ends up opening a school for supernatural children like her own——funded by none other than her former love,Klaus.While the duo will not interace on the upcoming season of the Originals,they potentially could in the future.剧末,Careloline为她视为己出的有超能力的孩子们开了一间由他的前任——Klaus资助的学校。虽然这一举动不会影响《初代吸血鬼》的剧情,但是未来他们也是极有可能在一起的。