神探夏洛克第四季回归 良心剧组穿帮的N个细节
The show, which drew in 8.6 million viewers, ended in heartbreak, with Mary - Watson's wife - being shot dead in the first of a three-part series.神夏这一集狂揽860万观众,但是华生的妻子玛丽中弹身亡的结局却令人心碎。
Puddle Drops tweeted: 'I'm all for a little artistic licence - but diving in front of a speeding bullet? Ridiculous and stupid.'@Puddle Drops:我完全赞成艺术创作——但是飞身挡子弹?愚蠢又可笑。
Suitably added: 'Sherlock enjoyed it right up until the moment Mary leapt in front of a speeding bullet - from six feet. Warp speed.'卷福一直沉浸在破案的氛围中,直到玛丽从一米八开外的地方纵身一跃挡住了子弹。简直神速啊!
Jehode tweeted: 'Impressive. Mary's reactions are faster than a speeding bullet. Apart from that it was good watching Thatcher getting bludgeoned.'@Jehode:厉害了,玛丽的反应速度比子弹还快!除了这个大bug,其实看撒切尔像被打碎还是很爽的。
Eagle-eyed viewers spotted a blunder during a scene showing character John Watson writing his famous blog about the adventures of Sherlock.这一幕是华生正在更新自己有关夏洛克破案故事的著名博客,眼尖的观众发现了其中的穿帮镜头。
As he is supposed to be typing about becoming a father, one keen viewer spotted an icon on the top of the screen showing that the page was not a blog but a photo.华生应该是要在博客上更新自己马上要成为一个父亲的消息,眼尖的观众发现电脑屏幕上的图标不是博客,而是照片。
Sharing a screenshot of the post, he writes: ‘IM CRYING THEY HAVE HIM TYPING NOTHING ON AN IMAGE FILE THATS NAMED ‘JOHN BLOG PAGE.jpg’ #Sherlock.”这位观众把截屏发了出来,并评价道:“我要哭了,他们让华生在一个名为‘华生博客页面.jpg’的图片文件上假装打字。”
再仔细看看你还会发现,屏幕左上角除了有图片名外,还有一个下拉阅读提示:“查看所有图片(View all photos)”。看来华生的这个博客确实不是网页。
As well as criticising the end of the show, they were also left asking about his arch-nemesis Moriarty, who was notable in his absence last night.吐槽结局的同时,观众们也无法忽视夏洛克的天敌莫娘自始至终未曾出现的事实。
The trailer opens with him asking 'miss me?', but at the end of last night's episode, he picked up a CD given to him by Mary from beyond the grave, with the same words written on it.预告片第一个镜头就是莫娘问大家“想我了吗?”,直到这一集的末尾,夏洛克收到已故的玛丽给他的CD,上面同样写着“想我了吗?”
Some viewers found themselves asking if Moriarty really is returning, and even joked that he was wearing a shark suit and swimming in the aquarium during the final scene. 一些观众不禁推测:莫里亚蒂可能已经回来了,甚至开玩笑说其实水族馆一幕里莫娘穿了个鲨鱼装在后面游着呢。(英语君也是着实佩服歪果仁的脑洞了...)
One viewer tweeted: 'Sherlock was good...but I'm still not over the fact we have no Moriarty...yet??'还有一些观众发推特说:“夏洛克是不错...但是我还是无法接受莫娘没有回归的事实...真的还没吗???”