英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-15 21:15:15


        'Planet Earth II'filmmakers saved all the lost baby turtles they filmed《行星地球II》的拍摄者救助了他们拍摄的所有迷路小海龟
        David Attenborough has been outspoken in his defence of not interfering with nature, but when Planet Earth II viewers saw thousands of baby turtles become confused because of man-made lights and start hurtling towards the dangers of the city, they couldn’t help but intervene.虽然大卫·阿滕伯勒坦率地替自己辩护称,自己没有干涉自然,但当观众看到《行星地球II》中,成千上万小海龟由于受人造灯光刺激而恐慌起来,进而涌入危险的城市,观众们便不能不出手相助。
       As we collectively mourned the loss of so many tiny lives, BBC Earth tweeted: “Every turtle that was seen or filmed by the #PlanetEarth2 crew was collected and put back into the sea.”Cue a sigh of warm, fuzzy relief.就在我们为痛失这么多小生命集体哀悼时,BBC地球频道在推特上发文:“所有#《行星地球II》摄制组看到或拍摄的海龟都被找到并放回了大海。”不由得感到温暖,轻叹一声并松口气。
        A terminally ill boy received 28,000 Christmas cards from the public一名绝症男孩收到了众人寄来的28000张圣诞贺卡
        In what could be the most heart-warming story of all time, Bradley Lowery, a five-year-old with terminal cancer has been sent thousands of cards and gifts from all over the world.这算得上一年中最温暖人心的故事。一名五岁的晚期癌症患者布莱德利·洛厄里,收到了来自世界各地数以千计的贺卡和礼物。
        Following a show-stopping appearance with his favourite football team, Sunderland, at the Stadium of Light, an online appeal was set up to shower Bradley with cards to make his Christmas extra special.随后,他跟随自己最喜欢的桑德兰队在光明球场一起出场。由于人们在网络上的呼吁,小布莱德利收到了络绎不绝的贺卡,给他的这个圣诞节留下了特殊的记忆。

        The UN appointed the first independent expert on LGBT rights联合国任命了首位LGBT权利独立专家
        In the wake of the nightclub shooting in Orlando, the UN appointed the first ever independent investigator to help protect LGBTI people from violence and discrimination world wide. 奥兰多夜总会枪击案发生后,联合国任命了第一位独立调查员,以保护全世界LGBT群体免遭暴力和歧视。
        Vitit Muntarbhorn, an international law professor, started his three-year mandate in September.威迪·蒙丹蓬是一名国际法教授,他于9月开始了为期三年的任期。
        An Indian businessman spent his daughter’s marriage budget on 90 houses for the homeless –and she was delighted印度一名商人花掉女儿的婚姻预算,为无家可归者造90栋房子,女儿感到很高兴
        Ajay Munot, a wealthy cloth and wheat trader from Aurangabad in eastern India, spent his daughter’s whopping £93,000 budget constructing 90 houses to help the region’s poor. 阿贾伊·米诺来自印度东部奥兰加巴德市,是一名富有的布匹和小麦贸易商。他花掉女儿的巨额婚姻预算9万3000英镑,为当地穷人建起90栋房屋。
        His eligibility criteria simply stated that the new residents must be poor, live in a slum and not suffer from addiction. Munot’s daughter fully supported his decision, and she and her new husband reportedly handed over the keys to the new homeowners after their wedding.他的申领标准很简单,新住户必须是生活在贫民窟且无不良嗜好的穷人。米诺的女儿完全支持父亲的决定,据报道她和新婚丈夫在婚礼结束后就将钥匙交给新房主。
        Paris sold off the ‘love locks’on their bridges to raise money for refugees巴黎卖掉艺术桥上的“连心锁”,为难民筹集资金
        Millions of the padlocks that couples emblazon with their initials and attach to the Pont des Arts and the Pont de l’Archevêchéwere removed last year for safety reasons. 几百万把刻着恋人首字母的同心锁去年因安全原因被从巴黎的艺术桥桥头拆下。
        Now they’re being sold to the public in bunches, in a move that deputy mayor Bruno Julliard believes could raise €100,000 for refugees in need of shelter.如今,政府正将它们成串出售给公众,副市长布鲁诺 朱利亚德认为,此举可为需要住处的难民筹集到10万欧元。
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