英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-15 21:15:08


Another year over, a new one about to begin. With the sentiment in mind, here are the photos we discovered, adored and shared this year.又是一年过去,新的一年即将开始。心中怀有情愫,这一年里,我们发现了这些照片,甚是欢喜,一齐分享。
        1. The photo of the ballet program bringing strength to one of Africa’s biggest slums.1. 这是非洲最大的贫民窟之一,这张照片拍出了芭蕾项目带来的力量。

        2. This took us inside the last generation of Haenyo, Korea’s real-life mermaids.2.这张照片带我们走进韩国最后一代美人鱼“海的女儿”的真实生活。

        3. The photographer who documented what students were wearing when they were sexually assaulted.3.摄影师记录了学生遭遇性侵时的装束。

        4. The photographer who chronicled her husband’s depression through intimate portraits.4.摄影师用亲密的肖像照片,慢慢记录丈夫的忧郁症。

        5. The photographer explored the bedrooms of NYC’s emerging ballerinas.5.纽约的芭蕾舞蹈演员小荷才露尖尖角,摄影师挖掘到了这一幕。

        6. The aerial photo that captured just how differently the rich and poor live.6.这一航拍照片抓拍到了富人与穷人居住区的巨大差异。

        7.The portrait that shed beautiful light on women of color.7.这一肖像照关注有色女性之美。

        8. The photos that followed 12 couples over three decades in a unique study of aging.8.这组照片以特殊的方式研究了衰老,三十年来跟随拍摄了12组夫妇。

        9. The photos that captured the beauty and grace of the world’s first Muslim hijabi ballerina.9.照片抓拍到了世界上第一位穆斯林芭蕾舞蹈演员,头戴丝巾,美丽高雅。

        10. The daughter who spent seven years documenting her mother’s bipolar disorder in photos.10.女儿花了七年时间用照片记录了母亲的抑郁狂躁型忧郁症。

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查看完整版本: 2016最有故事的10张照片:每一张都很感动