英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-15 21:14:44


        Rahul Kohli, iZombie star and noted DC enthusiast, will play a potential comic book villain on Supergirl.《我是僵尸》男星Rahul Kohli将会加入动漫英雄系列,他将会在《超女》中扮演一位反派。
        Kohli will guest-star in Episode 18 as Jack Spheer, a tech genius whose latest medical innovation, if successful, will eradicate major illnesses, Entertainment Weekly reports. Jack travels to National City to show off his invention to the press, including Kara (Melissa Benoist) and Snapper Carr (Ian Gomez). But his work trip also forces Jack to face his feelings for his ex, Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath).他会在第18集中客串,扮演Jack Spheer,视为科技天才,他的最新药类创新,如果成功将会消灭人类大部分疾病。Jack到National City去展示他的科研成果,其中就包括Kara和Snapper Carr.不过他的出现也让Jack对前任Lena Luthor旧情复燃。
        "I'm so excited to be working on Supergirl starring as Jack Spheer," Kohli says. "It's given me the chance to continue my relationship with The CW as well as fulfill my goal of meeting a Kryptonian."“我很高兴能在《超女》中扮演Jack Spheer这个角色,”Kohil接受采访时说。“这是我增进和CW合作关系的一次机会,同时也是见Kryptonian的机会。”
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