Leg warmers, stonewashed denim and leggings it is no wonder the eighties is often referred to as the decade that style forgot.暖腿裹套、砂洗牛仔、美腿裤……20世纪80年代常被称作“时尚遗忘的十年”是不足为奇的。
But it isn't just dodgy fashion choices that were big on the scene as these hilarious photographs shared by Awkward Family Photos prove.While they may have regretted the odd shell suit the subjects of these portraits are likely to be left red faced by their outlandish haircuts.但是,下面这些滑稽可笑的“令人尴尬的家庭照片”展示的可不仅仅是荧幕形象里诡异的时尚风格。这些肖像照里的主人公可能不止会后悔穿了这么奇葩的休闲服,还可能会因为自己的清奇发型羞红脸。
The rule of thumb appeared to be the bigger the hair the better in the eighties with the perm proving particularly popular.80年代的“拇指规则”看起来好像就是头发越蓬越好,尤其流行烫发。
One photo sees a woman take the hairstyle to the extreme with her tight curls reaching far above her scalp.在一张照片上,姑娘把这种发型发挥到了极致,紧绷绷的卷发尽力远离头皮。
Another brunette woman's do can only be likened to a lion's mane with her bouffant almost as large as a the big cat's.另一位褐发女士的头发只能让人联想到狮子的鬃毛,头发蓬松的程度和大型猫科动物一样。
Perms could also be restyled into several variations including what is sometimes referred to as the poodle style.烫发又有好多种样式,其中就包括“贵宾犬小卷儿”发型。
Straightening your hair was just out of the question with almost all the styles involving waves or ringlets.直发是完全不在考虑范围之内的,几乎所有的发型里都包含波浪或长发卷。
This hair raising style would presumably require plenty of hairspray to keep it in place.这种高高的发式大概需要很多发胶来维持造型。
While tight curls were on trend for the women of the eighties for the men the signature style was none other than the mullet.80年代女性时髦发型是紧绷绷的卷发,而男性标志发型不是别的,就是那种“胭脂鱼”头。
This style sees the wearer keep their hair short at the front and sides and long at the back.这种发型的特别是额发和侧发很短,而后发很长。
One young man takes the style to the extreme sporting very long and luscious locks with a curly short style at the front.一位年轻小伙子就把这种发型发挥到了极致,蓄着迷人的长发,但额前是很短的小卷发。
Other adventurous men can be seen getting creative with their fronts and sides as well as the back of their head.其他一些大胆的男性在额发、侧后、后发上都加了一些创意。
One cheery teen shows of his spikey gelled hair complete with an impressive mullet at the back.一位开心的小伙子头上顶着上了胶的带尖发型,但后面还是令人印象深刻的“胭脂鱼”头。
Wild backcombing was also popular among men whether that was at the prom or fronting a rock band.野性十足的倒梳发式在男性中也很流行,不管是去参加毕业舞会还是领导一支摇滚乐队。
While the majority of the haircuts will be recognisable as certain styles others will seem rather exotic.尽管大多数人的头发能看出属于哪种发型,还有一些人就显得很怪异了。
One woman keeps one side of her hair completely swept back while the other side is dyed bleached blonde and stuck on end.一位女士的发型是把一边的头发全梳到后面,而另一边的头发染成淡黄色,根根直立。
These two young women sport particularly edgy styles for the era with one completing the look with the addition of a head band.这两位年轻女孩尝试了那个时代特别前卫的发型,其中一位还加了发带来做造型。
Couples went as far as coordinating their hairstyles with one another.情侣们竟然还让他们的发型协调搭配起来。
In this amusing photograph the hair on their heads seems to get longer with age.在这张有趣的照片中,他们的头发好像随着时间的流逝长长了。