婚礼细节——来自《The Straits Times》的前方报道:
Actors Nicky Wu and Cecilia Liu Shishi held their traditional wedding tea ceremony on Sunday (March 20) morning, dressed in a style fitting for the stars of the 2011 TV hit Scarlet Heart.演员吴奇隆和刘诗诗于周日早(3月20日)举行了一场传统的结婚仪式,他们的着装风格和2011年的荧屏热剧《步步惊心》十分相似。
In Bali for their lavish nuptials that included a pre-wedding party last night, Wu, 45, wore a traditional changpao embroidered in gold with a dragon design while his bride donned Chinese bridal costume sewn with dragons and phoenixes.两人在巴厘岛举办了一场奢华的婚礼,婚礼还包括前夜的婚前派对。45岁的吴奇隆身穿传统长袍,上面绣着金色的龙;新娘则穿着绣着龙凤的中国新娘礼服。
Their wedding cost a reported HK$25 million(S$4.3 million) and the couple will hold their wedding feast for 350 guests on Sunday night at Bali's Ayana Resort and Spa.据报道,他们的婚礼花费2500万港币(约合430万美元)。周日晚,这对夫妇还会在巴厘岛上的巴厘艾安娜温泉度假酒店宴请350名宾客。
Chinese singer and actor Nicky Wu and Chinese actress Liu Shishi were at Waitomo Glowworm Caves with fashion photographer Liy Zongyuan, who has had his work featured in the likes of Harper's Bazaar, Cosmopolitan and Esquire.中国歌手及演员吴奇隆和大陆女演员刘诗诗与时尚摄影师柳宗源一起在新西兰怀托摩萤火虫岩洞拍片。柳大摄像师一直从事时尚特色杂志的拍摄,比如《时尚芭莎》、《时尚》和《时尚先生》。
The couple travelled as team of 25, including five documentary photographers, a stylist, two wardrobe and two jewellery people along with security and management teams, who were flown in on flights from Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong.随这对夫妻一起出行的共有25人,其中有5名纪实摄影师、一名造型师、两名服装师、两名珠宝师以及其他安保和管理人员。这些人分别是从北京、上海和香港来。
The entourage worked through the night over 10 hours at the Waitomo Caves, amid limestone formations, glowworms and running water in the dark underground cave to capture the magic of the landscape.在新西兰的怀托摩萤火虫岩洞,为了捕捉地形的奇特,他们在艰苦的工作环境中,诸如石灰岩、萤火虫洞以及地下黑暗洞穴中的流水,连夜工作了十多个小时。
"Nicky and Liu's celebrity status means this unique New Zealand setting will be shared with a huge international audience," Waitomo Glowworm Caves operations manager Gordon Hewston said.此地的运营经理Gordon Hewston说,“吴奇隆和刘诗诗的明星效应就意味着新西兰这样独一无二的环境将被全球广大的观众所分享。”
"We always have great feedback from Chinese visitors about how much they love the experience and Nicky and Liu choosing to have their photos taken here, just shows that the caves are renowned even amongst the celebrity elite."“我们常常会听到很多人说有多么喜欢到这里的经历,而且吴奇隆和刘诗诗选择在这里拍照也表明了这里在名人精英中也是很有名气的。”
The couple were said to be "very down to earth and easy to work with".“夫妻两个经常被评价为很接地气而且很好相处。”
He met Shishi, 28, on set in 2013 when the pair co-starred in the television series, Scarlet Heart.2013年,吴奇隆遇到了28岁的刘诗诗,并且在电视剧《步步惊心》中合作扮演了荧幕情侣。
The couple reportedly registered their marriage in Beijing last January, but Wu proposed to Shishi again in June, so they could plan a more elaborate wedding ceremony.据说这对夫妻是去年一月份在北京登记结婚的。但是吴奇隆在六月份的时候再次向刘诗诗求婚,因此他们才计划了一场很别致的婚礼。