英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-13 21:44:13


        Chris Pratt never fails to impress us — whether he's fighting off giant dinosaurs, spoofing Nicki Minaj, or, in the case of this never-before-seen SNL sketch, channeling Jason Statham in order to sell us cow face steaks.克里斯·帕拉特从未让我们失望过——不管是与巨型恐龙的帅气作战还是对麻辣鸡的滑稽模仿,抑或是在《周六夜现场》的未播短片中,为了向我们兜售某牌子的牛排,他对杰森·斯坦森的搞怪模仿。
        You'll understand that last one better once you watch the sketch, which was supposed to hit the air back in September 2014 — when the Guardians of the Galaxy star took his turn on the SNL stage — but was ultimately cut from the final lineup because of time constraints.看了该短片后你就能更好理解上面我说到的最后一点。该短片原计划是在2014年9月播出,那会儿《银河护卫队》的这名男星重返了《周六夜现场》的舞台——但最后由于时间限制,该短片最后被裁掉未能播出。
        In the scene, Pratt as "Stafam" takes a break from kicking some ass to shill a questionable piece of beef with the most perfect name of all time.在此场景里,帕拉特模仿的“斯坦森”刚完成对别人的一番痛打,就转身向我们推销起了以“斯坦森”名字的谐音命名的一牛肉制食品。
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查看完整版本: 周六夜现场:星爵克里斯恶搞杰森•斯坦森